Title Estilo cinematográfico de Miguel Littín en Chile y en el exilio
Title (croatian) Filmski stil Miguela Littína u Čileu i egzilu
Title (english) Miguel Littín’s cinematographic style in Chile and in exile
Author Vedrana Gačić
Mentor Mario Županović (mentor)
Committee member Nikola Vuletić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Županović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vedrana Lovrinović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Hispanic and Iberian Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-02-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Art Sciences
Abstract El tema del presente trabajo fin de master consiste en el registro de los rasgos del estilo cinematográfico de Miguel Littín en Chile y el exilio durante los setenta, a través del análisis de su largometraje de ficción. La tesis consta de dos partes. La primera parte es teórica y concierne los conceptos de la autoría cinematográfica y el estilo del autor, Nuevo Cine Chileno, cine de la Unidad Popular y cine chileno del exilio. La segunda parte consta del análisis del corpus fílmico construido por cuatro largometrajes del autor: El Chacal del Nahueltoro (1969), La Tierra Prometida (1973), Actas de Marusia (1976) y El recurso del método (¡Viva el Presidente!) (1978). Las películas se analizan a partir del análisis formalista. En la última parte del trabajo se tiende a responder a la pregunta central acerca de las características del estilo de Miguel Littín en Chile y en el exilio, es decir acerca de la coherencia estilística del autor, tanto como sus posibles cambios estilísticos.
Abstract (croatian) Tema ovog diplomskog rada jest utvrđivanje obilježja filmskog stila Miguela Littína u Čileu i egzilu sedamdesetih godina kroz analizu njegovog dugometražnog igranog filma. Rad se sastoji od dva dijela. Prvi dio rada je teorijski i posvećen je konceptu filmskog autora i autorskog stila, Novog čileanskog filma, filma Narodnog jedinstva te čileanskog filma u egzilu. Drugi dio rada sastoji se od analize filmskog korpusa kojeg čine četiri autorova dugometražna igrana filma: El Chacal del Nahueltoro (Šakal iz Nahueltora 1969), La Tierra Prometida (Obećana zemlja 1973), Actas de Marusia (Dogodilo se u Marusiji 1976) i El Recurso del método, ¡Viva el Presidente! (Usvajanje metode (¡Živio Predsjednik! 1978). Filmove se analizira polazeći od formalističke analize. U posljednjem dijelu rada nastoji se dati odgovor na središnje pitanje o obilježjima autorovog stila u Čileu i egzilu, odnosno autorovoj stilskoj koherentnosti, kao i mogućim stilskim promjenama.
Abstract (english) The subject of this thesis deals with defining characteristics of Miguel Littín’s cinematographic style during his stay in Chile and during his exile in 1970s through the analysis of his fiction feature film. The thesis consists of two parts. The first part is theoretical and concerns the concepts of cinematographic authorship and the author’s style, New Chilean Cinema, Popular Unity Cinema and Chilean Exile Cinema. The second part considers the analysis of the film corpus that consists of four feature films directed by the author: El Chacal del Nahueltoro (The Jackal of Nahueltoro 1969), La Tierra Prometida (The Promised Land 1973), Actas de Marusia (Letters from Marusia 1976) and El Recurso del método, ¡Viva el Presidente! (The Recourse of the Method (Long live the President! 1978). The films are analysed starting from the formalistic approach to analysis. The last part of the thesis is trying to answer the central question about the characteristics of Miguel Littín’s style during his stay in Chile and during his exile, that is, about the author’s style coherence, as well as possible stylistic changes.
cine de autor
estilo de autor
Nuevo cine chileno
Cine chileno del exilio
Cine de la Unidad Popular
Miguel Littín
Keywords (croatian)
autorski film
autorski stil
Novi čileanski film
Čileanski film u egzilu
film Narodnog jedinstva
Miguel Littín
Keywords (english)
film d’auteur
author’s style
New Chilean Cinema
Chilean Exile Cinema
Popular Unity Cinema
Miguel Littín
Language spanish
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:506429
Study programme Title: Hispanistics (double major); specializations in: general direction (double major) Course: general direction (double major) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra španjolskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra španjolskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-03-09 11:34:36