Title La subtitulación para s/Sordos: actitudes del público con problemas auditivos en Croacia
Title (croatian) Titlovanje za gluhe i nagluhe: stavovi ispitanika sa slušnim poteškoćama u Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Subtitling for d/Deaf: attitudes of the public with hearing problems in Croatia
Author Dora Sesar
Mentor Ivana Zovko (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Lončar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Zovko (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Petra Špadić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Hispanic and Iberian Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-03-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract sordos de la película española Toc Toc a la lengua croata. La metodología supone dos pasos preliminares: elaboración de diversas formas de subtítulos para personas sordas y un cuestionario elaborado con fines de detectar actitudes de este grupo hacia las formas de subtítulos ofrecidas y sus propios hábitos a la hora de ver programas audiovisuales.
Se han subtitulado tres fragmentos de la película Toc Toc, cada uno con técnicas de subtitulación para sordos diferentes. Nos han interesado los métodos de identificación de personajes, las maneras de indicar la presencia de música y sonidos y, finalmente, elementos paralingüísticos en el subtitulado creado para el público sordo. Se han usado técnicas ya previamente establecidas y, asimismo, algunas formas innovadoras a la hora de subtitular el texto: los gifs y los emoticonos para señalar la música, los sonidos y los elementos paralingüísticos. En este trabajo analizamos los resultados del cuestionario en el que han participado diecisiete encuestados de Croacia. Estos resultados son una pequeña muestra de los hábitos que tienen los espectadores sordos croatas al ver programas audiovisuales en la televisión o en Internet.
Abstract (croatian) Glavna tema ovog rada je prijevod i titlovanje za gluhe i nagluhe španjolskog filma Toc Toc na hrvatski jezik. Metodologija se sastoji od dva preliminarna koraka: izrade titlova za gluhe i nagluhe koristeći raznolike tehnike i izrade upitnika s ciljem utvrđivanja stavova ove grupe prema ponuđenim tehnikama titlova i njihovih navika prilikom gledanja audiovizualnih programa. Titlovali smo tri isječka filma Toc Toc, a u svakom od njih koristili smo različite tehnike titlovanja za gluhe. Zanimale su nas tehnike identifikacije likova, zatim načini predstavljanja glazbe i zvukova, kao i paralingvističkih elemenata u titlovima izrađenima za gledatelje sa slušnim poteškoćama. Osim već uobičajenih tehnika, a s ciljem isticanja glazbe, zvukova i paralingvističkih elemenata, u svoje smo titlove također uključili i neke inovativne tehnike titlovanja, poput gifova i emotikona.
U ovom radu analiziramo rezultate upitnika u kojemu je sudjelovalo sedamnaest ispitanika iz Hrvatske. Rezultati predstavljaju uvid u navike koje imaju hrvatski gluhi i nagluhi gledatelji pri gledanju audiovizualnih programa na televiziji ili na internetu.
Abstract (english) The main subject of this thesis deals with the translation and subtitling of the Spanish movie Toc Toc into the Croatian language, for deaf and hard-of-hearing public. The methodology involves two preliminary steps: elaboration of different forms of subtitles for deaf and hard-of-hearing, and a questionnaire elaborated in order to detect attitudes of this group towards the offered forms of subtitles, and their habits when it comes to watching audiovisual programs. Three fragments from the movie Toc Toc have been subtitled, and each of them has different subtitling techniques for deaf and hard-of-hearing. Additionally, the methods of character identification and the ways of showing the music and the sounds, and the paralinguistic information in the subtitles created for deaf and hard-of-hearing have been of primary interest. Previously established techniques have been used, as well as some innovative subtitling methods, such as the use of gifs or emoticons to describe music and sounds, and paralinguistic elements. In this thesis, the results of the questionnaire, in which seventeen respondents have participated, are analyzed. These results represent a small sample of the habits that the Croatian deaf and hard-of-hearing public has when it comes to watching audiovisual programs on television or the Internet.
subtitulación para sordos
actitudes de los encuestados
Keywords (croatian)
titlovanje za gluhe
stavovi ispitanika
Keywords (english)
subtitling for deaf and hard-of-hearing
attitudes of the participants
Language spanish
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:411441
Study programme Title: Hispanistics (double major); specializations in: Translation Course: Translation Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra španjolskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra španjolskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-04-20 13:14:16