Title Morfološke značajke i prostorna distribucija speleoloških objekata na području NP Paklenica
Title (english) Geomorphological characteristics and spatial distribution of Caves in NP Paklenica
Author Luka Kalcina
Mentor Nina Lončar (mentor)
Committee member Robert Lončarić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nina Lončar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Geography) Zadar
Defense date and country 2020-03-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Geography Physical Geography
Abstract Nacionalni park Paklenica prostire se na jugozapadnoj padini Južnog Velebita i obuhvaća prostor od 95 km2. Prostor Parka pripada Dinarskom kršu, na kojem je česta pojava speleoloških objekata. Unutar Parka je istraženo ukupno 112 speleoloških objekata. U sklopu ovoga rada izrađena je detaljna GIS baza svih istraženih objekata, koja je poslužila za analizu njihovih značajki (tip objekta, morfološka građa, duljina, dubina, hidrološka funkcija, itd.). Rezultat analize ukazuje na prevagu jamskih
... More (59%) u odnosu na špiljske (41%) objekte. Isto tako, 52% objekata je jednostavne morfologije a s obzirom na veličinu prevladavaju plići objekti, dubine do 50 m (79 %) i mali objekti, dužine do 50 m (74 %). U radu je analizirana i prostorna distribucija ulaza u speleološke objekte u odnosu na značajke reljefa i postojeće planinarske staze. Analizom prostorne distribucije speleoloških objekata utvrđeno je kako su objekti heterogeno raspoređeni unutar Parka, a 51 % objekata se nalazi u vršnoj zoni (iznad 1000 m). Utvrđeno je i da se većina speleoloških objekata (njih 63 %) nalazi u neposrednoj blizini (do 250 m) postojećih planinarskih staza. Analizirajući prostornu distribuciju speleoloških objekata u odnosu na svojstva litostratigrafske podloge, uočava se da se 75 % istraženih objekata nalazi na karbonatima dobre propusnosti jurske starosti, pri čemu se najveći broj ulaza u objekte nalazi u neposrednoj blizini rasjeda (73 %). Speleoloških objekata ima unutar svih hipsometrijskih razreda, ali da su najzastupljeniji na visinama od 500 do 750 m/nm (20 %), te između 1 250 i 1 500 m/nm (26 %). Izražena je povezanost s nagibom padina, te je najviše speleoloških objekata zastupljeno na značajno nagnutim padinama (12° - 32°), čak 62,5 %. Iz analize zastupljenost speleoloških objekata u odnosu na orijentaciju padine proizlazi da se najveći broj speleoloških objekata javlja na zapadno i južno orijentiranim padina. Pri analizi vertikalne raščlanjenosti najveća zastupljenost speleoloških objekata (27,7 %) javlja se na jako raščlanjenim dijelovima Parka. Analiza korelacije između pojavnosti speleoloških objekata i ponikava ukazuje da se u određenim cjelinama istih morfometrijskih značajki reljefa podjednako pojavljuju jame i ponikve. Less
Abstract (english) Paklenica Nacional park is situated on the southwestern hillside of South Velebit mountain and covers an area of 95 km2. The Park is part of the Dinaric karst, composed of karstified carbonate rocks on which the occurrence of caves is common. Over the years in total 112 caves have been explored within the Park. Within this research detailed GIS database of all explored caves were created, which was used to analyze their characteristics (type, morphological structure, length, depth,
... More hydrological function, etc.). The study analyzes spatial distribution of entrances to caves in relation to relief features and existing hiking trails. The result of the analysis indicates the predominance of vertical (59%) over horizontal caves (41%). Likewise, 52% of objects have simple morphology, as well as small depth (79%) and length (74 %). Analysis of spatial distribution revealed that the objects are heterogeneously distributed within the Park, while 51% of explored caves are located in the ridge zone (above 1000 m). It was also found that most of the explored caves (63% of them) are in close proximity (up to 250 m) to the existing hiking trails. Analysis of spatial distribution of caves in relation to the lithostratigraphic properties has shown that as many as 75 % of the explored caves are located on carbonates with good permeability, while largest number of caves is in the immediate vicinity of the existing fault zones (73 %). Considering hypsometry, it can be seen that caves are present within all hypsometric classes, but that they are most frequent at altitudes between 500 and 750 m / nm (20%) and between 1 250 and 1 500 m (26%). There is a very high correlation between caves occurrences and slope, where most cave objects (62,5 %) are occurring on moderately steep slopes (12° - 32°). From the analysis, the representation of caves in relation to the slope orientation, shows that the largest number of caves occurs on the western and southern slopes. In regard to the analysis of terrain roughness, most caves (27,7 %) occur on highly rugged terrains. Analysis of correlation between caves and sinkholes shows that caves (primary pits) and sinkholes appear uniformly in individual units of the same morphometric relief features. Less
speleološki objekti
NP Paklenica
Keywords (english)
NP Paklenica
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:850327
Study programme Title: Applied Geography (single major) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra geografije (magistar/magistra geografije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-04-23 15:45:54