Title Hrvatski otoci-puni života
Title (english) Croatian islands - full of life
Author Magdalena Dević
Mentor Tomislav Klarin (mentor)
Committee member Igor Kulenović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Klarin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Gabrijela Vidić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-03-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Problem hrvatskih otoka je kompleksno pitanje. U ovom radu ciljevi istraživanja bili su utvrđivanje obilježja i opis života hrvatskih otoka te zabilježavanje razloga koji su ih doveli u situaciju u kojoj se nalaze. Sljedeći je cilj bio utvrditi mogućnosti i ograničenja otočnog života i razvoja na otocima te predložiti određene smjernice za opstanak i razvoj u budućnosti. Posebna pažnja u ovom radu je bila usmjerena upravo na razvoj i stagnaciju hrvatskih otoka koja ih je dovela u ovu poziciju
... More zbog stalne depopulacije otočnog stanovništva. Prepoznala se važnost mirnog i staloženog života u suprotnosti s užurbanosti grada, ali su se prepoznali i određeni problemi i prijetnje koje su drastično dovele do stanja u kojima se otoci nalaze. U prvom redu su to problemi lokalne zajednice od koje sve počinje, lokalnih i regionalnih vlasti te na kraju države. Najviše problema se vidi na malim hrvatskim otocima na kojima nerijetko nedostaje i osnovna infrastruktura poput struje i vode. Ono što na otocima kronično nedostaje jesu obrazovne ustanove koje u prvom planu dovode do iseljavanja mladog stanovništva, a time na otocima živi staro stanovništvo koje ne donosi revitalizaciju otočnog stanovništva, čime dolazi do netom spomenute depopulacije. Smatra se da otočne potrebe i potrebe vlasti nisu u balansu te se događa da se većinski ne radi za dobrobit građana već za korist vladajućih. Ono što je spomenuto kao prednost je važnost očuvanja baštine koja je dio svake populacije i time doprinosi njihovom razvoju. Upravo to je prepoznato od strane raznih otočnih udruga koje svojim djelovanjem nastoje zaštititi, približiti i promovirati otočni život široj populaciji. Uz prikazane primjere dobre prakse na hrvatskim otocima, ali i otocima u Europi predložene su smjernice i prijedlozi za budući opstanak. U budućem opstanku, smatra se da bi se otoci najviše mogli razvijati u specifičnim oblicima turizma, održivoj poljoprivredi, brodogradnji, ribarstvu, stočarstvu i slično. Dok za sve postoje određeni problemi, rješivi su jer postoje resursi na kojima bi se mogli graditi. Ono što se ističe je važnost energetske tranzicije hrvatskih otoka te iskorištavanje prirodnih resursa jer se smatra da su otoci pravi primjeri za ostvarivanje takvih ciljeva. Pomoću literature i istraživanja da se zaključiti kako su otoci onoliko razvijeni koliko je razvijena njihova zajednica te da sve što se radi, radi se isključivo za njih i zbog njih. Less
Abstract (english) The problem of Croatian islands is a complex issue. In this paper, the objectives of the research were to determine the characteristics and to describe the life on. Croatian islands and to determine the reasons that led them to the situation in which they find themselves currently. The next goal was to identify the possibilities and the limitations of island life and the potential development of the islands, as well as to propose certain guidelines for future survival and development. In
... More this paper, the attention was focused on the development and stagnation of Croatian islands, which brought them to this situation due to constant depopulation. The importance of a peaceful and settled life in contrast to the hustle and bustle of the city was recognized, but certain problems and threats were also noticed, which drastically led to the current condition of the islands. These are primarily problems of the local community from which it all begins, then the local and regional authorities, and finally, the state. Most problems may be noticed on small Croatian islands, which often lack basic infrastructure such as electricity and water. The islands are chronically lacking educational institutions and this is, in fact, the most prominent reason for the emigration of young people; thus the older population remains on the islands, which does not cannot bring the necessary revitalization of the island population, leading therefore to the previously mentioned depopulation. It is believed that the island's needs and the needs of the government are not in balance, so it happens that the majority is not working for the wellbeing of the citizens but for the benefit of the rulers. What needs to be mentioned as an advantage is the importance of preserving the heritage that is a valuable part of each population, thus contributing to its development. This is exactly what has been recognized by various island associations whose activities seek to protect, bring closer and promote the island life to the general population. In addition to the presented examples of good practice on Croatian islands, but also on islands in Europe, guidelines and proposals for future survival have been proposed. In the future survival, it is believed that the islands could be most developed in specific forms of tourism, sustainable agriculture, shipbuilding, fisheries, livestock and the like. While there are certain problems for everyone, they are solvable because there are resources on which make it possible to build. What is emphasized is the importance of the energy transition of Croatian islands and the use of natural resources because the islands are considered to be real examples of achieving such goals. With the help of literature and research, we can conclude that the islands are as developed as their community is developed, and that everything that is done is done exclusively for them. Less
hrvatski otoci
otočni razvoj
Keywords (english)
Croatian islands
island development
self - sustainability
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:641832
Study programme Title: Cultural Heritage and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra kulturne i prirodne baštine u turizmu (magistar/magistra kulturne i prirodne baštine u turizmu)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-04-26 10:55:39