Abstract | U završnom radu radilo se o razvoju turizma u svijetu i u Hrvatskoj, o njegovu napretku kroz mnoga krizna razdoblja te o njegovu usponu nakon svakog pada. U drugom poglavlju posvećena je pozornost samom pojmu turizma i osobi koja putuje na određeno turističko putovanje, a to je turist. Osim turizma, u drugom je poglavlju definiran i njegov razvoj, s obzirom da se u naslovu završnog rada spominje riječ razvoj. Što se tiče teme, u trećem se poglavlju prvo objašnjava povijesni razvoj u svijetu; tako se prvo razdoblje naziva predfaza, kada su nastala prva putovanja. Sredozemlje je bilo žarište prvih putovanja, tj. jedna ekumena.Tada se pojavljuje pojam analogne pojave turizma, kao npr. Olimpijske igre u Grčkoj, za sportski turizam. Grci su Sredozemlje vidjeli kao jednu ekumenu, prostor gdje su mnoge civilizacije bile. U početnoj se fazi pojavljuju organizirana putovanja (Thomas Cook bio je njihov pokretač) i priključuju se ostali slojevi društva. U visokoj fazi razvoja turizma pojavljuju se automobili i zrakoplovi, kao nova prijevozna sredstva, ali oni svoj procvat doživljavaju tek nešto kasnije. Posljednja faza odnosi se na stanje turizma tijekom i poslije Domovinskog rata; tada je broj turista opadao, ali je, nakon završetka rata, ponovno došlo do rasta turističkog prometa i noćenja. Kasnije, u 21. stoljeću, mnogi su se investitori zainteresirali za Hrvatsku te su u nju počeli ulagati, što je pomoglo i samom razvoju turizma. |
Abstract (english) | The final tesis was about the development of tourism in the world and in Croatia, its progress through many crisis periods and its rise after each fall. The main focus of the second chapter was tourism as a whole and individuals who travel to a certain destination who are known as tourists. Except the definition of tourism in the second chapter the development of tourism is explained. Through the third chapter the history of tourism is described, as well as the very beginnings of tourism first travels were born. The Mediterranean was the center of the first voyages, an ecumenical one. The very movement of analogue phenomen of tourism; Olympic games in Greece as an example for sports and activity tourism while first travelers was the most important factor in prestage of the beginnings of tourism. Thomas Cook launched organized travels. Also, cars and airplanes are one of the importants factors responsible for the success of tourism, but the peek of those machines as the most important transport utilities happend later on. The last phase refers to the state of tourism during and after the Homeland War. When the number of tourists has collapsed, but there has been a rise in tourist traffic and overnight stays after the Homeland War. Later, in the 21st century, many investors were interested in Croatia and started investing in it, which also helped to develop itself. |