Title Problemi komunikacije među djecom - ovisnost o tehnologijama
Title (english) Problems of Communication between Children - Technology dependence
Author Lucija Zorić
Mentor Ljiljana Zekanović-Korona (mentor)
Committee member Ljiljana Zekanović-Korona (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Ražnjević Zdrilić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Kalajžić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2018-04-03, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Information Systems and Information Science
Abstract Poznato je da samo ime ,,komunikacija'' potječe još od ,,spoja'' latinskih riječi. Značenje joj govori o povezivanju, spajanju i priopćavanju nečega. Od ,,malih nogu'' se uči da se komunikacijom razmjenjuju informacije i ideje. Prenose se poruke između osoba, okoline. Komunikacija je svugdje oko nas. Svakodnevno se komunicira, a vještina komunikacije razlikuje se od osobe do osobe. U današnje vrijeme postoji jako puno aktualnih trendova među mladima. Onaj najupečatljiviji, najpoznatiji te
... More najpopularniji je internet. Mlađe generacije odrastaju uz internet. Internet znamo kao interaktivan medij. Upravo se njegovi korisnici žele osjećati kao aktivni sudionici. Internet je danas zamijenio knjige, brigu za druge, pomoću društvenih mreža ,,kreirao'' virtualne prijatelje. Počevši od najmlađih, još nisu naučili hodati, ali već znaju upaliti računalo. Roditeljima je bitno da je dijete mirno i da se samo zabavlja, a internet je kao stvoren za zabavu. Glavni krivac za to je užurbani tempo života. Nema se vremena ili se ne želi imati vremena, pretpostavka koja nikada neće dobiti konkretno objašnjenje. Dostupnost, neiscrpnost brojnih sadržaja, teme bez cenzura i prešućivanja pustolovine su koje internet pruža svim svojim korisnicima. Da bi se što brže dobilo traženu informaciju, publika se počela okretati novim tehnologijama, npr. elektronskim medijima. Razlog tome je brzina, jednostavnost i jeftiniji pristup. Oni imaju brži i lakši doticaj s publikom. Kada se govori o novim tehnologijama prvo na što se treba obratiti pažnja je digitalizacija primjerice digitalizacija knjiga. Ona mijenja svaki vid stvaranja knjige počevši od osnovnog formata do samog autorstva. Less
Abstract (english) It is know that the word „communication“ is derived from a „combination“ of Latin words. It's meaning talks of combining, bringing something together or relaying information. People are thought that communication is used to exchange information and ideas. Messages are sent between people and their environment. Communication is everywhere around us. Every day people communicate, but the ability and skill of communicating varies from person to person.
In the last decade there has been an
... More increase in many different mediums, most of all electronic mediums, that can reach any corner of the world at any time. Nowadays, every day children start using electronics at a much younger age than before. Today, the internet as a medium shapes way of thinking, opinions and attitudes of people in all societies. The virtual world that the internet offers is getting more and more challenging and appealing than the real world's everyday life which in return is alienating people from the real world. For children and adults alike, the internet is becoming a passion that is at times hard to control. For that reason, it can be understood as a new form of addiction. The availability of basically limitless content, subjects without censorship and similar content is an adventure that the internet offers its users. The reason people are turning to electronic mediums more and more every day is the speed at which one can access the abundance of information offered and also its cost. This way the media has a better and faster contact with it's public. When speaking about new technologies, the focus of one’s attention should be digitalization. The best example of this would be the digitalization of books because it changes every aspect of how a book is written, from its basic format to its authorship. Less
komunikacija među djecom
komunikacijski oblici
nasilje na internetu
ovisnost o tehnologijama
Keywords (english)
ways of communication
communication among children
addiction to technology
dependence on technology
the internet
violence on the internet
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:530727
Study programme Title: Journalism and Public Relations Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar novinarstva i odnosa s javnostima (magistar novinarstva i odnosa s javnostima)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2021-05-21 13:36:14