Title Salvador Dali iz perspektive psihoanalize: traduktološka analiza
Title (english) A Psychoanalytical view of Salvador Dalì: translating analysis
Author Nina Lucija Eschebach
Mentor Ivana Lončar (mentor)
Committee member Stijepo Stjepović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Zovko (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of French and Iberoromance Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2016-01-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Romance Studies
Abstract Este Trabajo Fin de Máster está principalmente enfocado en el análisis de los siete procedimientos de traducción propuestos por los lingüistas franceses Jean-Paul Vinay y Jean Darbelnet en su obra Stylistique compareé du français et d l’anglais. Los dos traductólogos introdujeron dos tipos de traducción: la traducción directa y la traducción oblicua, a las que corresponden los procedimientos directos y los procedimientos oblicuos.
El objetivo de este Trabajo Fin de Máster es analizar la aplicación de estos procedimientos usando como ejemplo la traducción del español al croata del trabajo de Ana Iribas Rudìn ―Salvador Dalì desde el psicoanálisis. A Psychoanalytical view of Salvador Dalì‖. Se trata de un texto especializado que pertenece al ámbito del arte y el psicoanálisis.
Cada uno de los procedimientos se analizó individualmente en la parte principal, en la que, entre otros, se representaron los protagonistas y conceptos más significativos del trabajo de Iribas Rudìn. Luego se ilustró la aplicación de los procedimientos usando ejemplos concretos elegidos del texto original español junto a su traducción al croata. A través del análisis de los ejemplos, se explica cada procedimiento y se ofrecen argumentos que explican la solución elegida.
Además, el análisis también demuestra que los lìmites entre varios procedimientos no son absolutos, por lo tanto ocurren combinaciones entre ellos (modulación combinada con la transposición).
Abstract (croatian) U ovome se diplomskom radu izlaže analiza sedam prevoditeljskih postupaka koje u svojemu djelu Stylistique compareé du français et de l’ anglais predlažu francuski lingvisti Jean-Paul Vinay i Jean Darbelnet. Ova dvojica traduktologa razlikuju dvije vrste prevođenja, izravno prevođenje i koso prevođenje, kojima odgovaraju izravni prevoditeljski postupci i kosi prevoditeljski postupci. Cilj je ovoga diplomskog rada analizirati primjenu navedenih postupaka koristeći kao primjer članak Ane Iribas Rudìn "Salvador Dalì desde el psicoanálisis. A Psychoanalytical view of Salvador Dalì" prevedenog sa španjolskoga na hrvatski jezik.
Svaki postupak pojedinačno se analizirao, pri čemu su se naprije pojedinačno analizirali u uvodnom dijelu zajedno s najvažnijim protagonistima i konceptima koji se spominju u članku Iribas Rudìn. Zatim se primjena postupka ilustrirala na konkretnim primjerima preuzetim iz španjolskog teksta i prijevoda na hrvatski jezik. Analizom primjera objašnjava se svaki pojedini prevoditeljski postupak, uz argumente koji pojašnjavaju odabrana rješenja. Analiza također pokazuje i da su granice između različitih prevoditeljskih postupaka nejasne, zbog čega često dolazi do kombinacije različitih postupaka (modulacija kombinirana s transpozicijom).
Abstract (english) In the present thesis has been displayed the analysis of seven translation procedures that have been suggested by the french linguists Jean-Paul Vinay and Jean Darbelnet, in their work Stylistique compareé du français et de l’ anglais. Those two translatologists distinguish between two sorts of translation, the direct and the oblique translation, that include the corrisponding direct and oblique translating procedures. The main goal of this thesis is to analyse the application of the listed procedures using the article of Ana Iribas Rudìn ―Salvador Dalì desde el psicoanálisis. A Psychoanalytical view
of Salvador Dalì‖ as an example and that has been translated from the original spanish in the croatian language. In first place, each translating procedure has been represented individually in the introduction, together with the most important protagonists and concepts that are mentioned in the article of Iribas Rudin. After that, each procedure has been analysed thoroughly. Thereafter, the application of the procedures was illustrated on concrete examples that have been taken from the spanish original text and from the croatian translation. Analysing the examples, each procedure has been explained and has been accompanied with arguments that clarify the choices and solutions. The analysis shows as well that the borders between different translation procedures are vague which is why it often comes to combinations of different procedures (modulation combined with transposition).
Vinay y Darbelnet
Salvador Dalì
procedimientos de traducción
procedimientos directos
procedimientos oblicuos
traducción literal
Keywords (croatian)
Vinay i Darbelnet
Salvador Dalì
prevoditeljski postupci
izravni postupci
kosi postupci
doslovni prijevod
Keywords (english)
Vinay and Darbelnet
Salvador Dalì
translation procedures
direct procedures
oblique procedures
literal translation
Language spanish
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:162251
Study programme Title: Hispanistics; translation direction Course: translation direction Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra španjolskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra španjolskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2016-02-18 12:24:42