Title Nizozemsko kolonijalno carstvo u 17. i 18. stoljeću
Title (english) The Dutch Colonial Empire in the 17th and 18th Century
Author Ivan Jurić
Mentor Milorad Pavić (mentor)
Committee member Kristijan Juran (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mateo Bratanić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Milorad Pavić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of History) Zadar
Defense date and country 2019-12-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History Early Croatian and World History
Abstract Nizozemsko kolonijalno carstvo u 17. i 18. stoljeću je obuhvaćalo prekomorske kolonije, enklave i ispostave koje su kontrolirale nizozemske trgovačke kompanije pod pokroviteljstvom Ujedinjenih Provincija - Nizozemske (1581. - 1795.), a tu se prvenstveno misli na Zapadnoindjsku i Istočnoindijsku kompaniju. Iako će navedene kompanije svojevremeno biti de facto države u državi, nepobitna je činjenica da su one učinile Nizozemsku prvom modernom ekonomijom na svijetu. Za razliku od ostalih konkurentskih zemalja poput Engleske i Francuske te Španjolske, Nizozemska nije poduzimala velike i rastrošne istraživačke ekspedicije, nego je održavala svoj utjecaj preko kontrole pomorskih ruta, postavljajući svoje ispostave na strateški važne točke, kao što su morski prolazi i tjesnaci. Uz nekoliko iznimaka, većina prekomorskih posjeda nizozemskog kolonijalnog carstva se sastojala od utvrda, tvornica i naselja uz obalu s različitim stupnjem integracije sa zaleđem. To je odraz činjenice da je Nizozemcima primarni cilj bila trgovina, a ne kontrola nad zemljom. Ovakva ekonomska strategija je omogućila Nizozemskoj dugotrajan prosperitet na području svjetske trgovine, a to se odrazilo i na općekulturno stanje u državi. To razdoblje sveopćeg prosperiteta označeno je kao "Zlatno doba Nizozemske", a trajalo u prvoj polovici 17. stoljeća. U drugoj polovici dolazi do postupnog raspada kolonijalnog carstva zbog niza ratova s Engleskom u kojima gubi mnoge kolonije i monopole. Unatoč tome, neki su dijelovi carstva ostali do danas dio Kraljevine Nizozemske i podsjećaju na nekad slavnu nizozemsku kolonijalnu prošlost.
Abstract (english) The Dutch colonial empire in the 17th and 18th century comprised of overseas colonies, enclaves, and offices controlled by the Dutch trading companies under the auspices of the United Provinces of the Netherlands (1581 - 1795), primarily this refers to the Dutch West India Company and Dutch East India Company. Although these companies will in some cases be de facto countries within the country, it is undeniable that they made the Netherlands the first modern economy in the world. Unlike other competing countries such as England, France and Spain, the Netherlands did not undertake large and expansive expeditions, but maintained its influence through the control of maritime routes, placing its outlets at strategically important points, such as seaways and straits. With few exceptions, most of the overseas possessions of the Dutch colonial empire consisted of fortifications, factories and settlements near the coastline with differing degree of integration with the outback. This is a reflection of the fact that to the Dutch, the primary objective was trade, not control over land. Such an economic strategy has enabled the Netherlands to enjoy long-term prosperity in world trade, and also this has had an
impact on the general cultural situation in the country. This period of universal prosperity was designated as "Dutch Golden Age" and lasted through the first half of the 17th century. In the second half there was a gradual collapse of the colonial empire due to a series of wars with England in which the Netherlands lost many colonies and monopolies. Nonetheless, some parts of the empire have remained to this day part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and are reminiscent of the once glorious Dutch colonial past.
Istočnoindijska kompanija
Zapadnoindijska kompanija
Nova Nizozemska
Englesko-nizozemski ratovi
Keywords (english)
East India Company
West India Company
New Netherland
Anglo-Dutch Wars
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:253538
Study programme Title: History; specializations in: History - Teacher's Education (double major) Course: History - Teacher's Education (double major) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije povijesti (magistar/magistra edukacije povijesti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-08-18 10:34:36