Title Neki korelati zadovoljstva brakom kod žena u fazi praznog gnijezda
Title (english) Some correlates of marriage satisfaction in females in the empty nest phase
Author Iva Slačanac
Mentor Jelena Ombla (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Tucak Junaković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Ombla (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Nekić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Psychology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-07-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract Izraz prazno gnijezdo obično se koristi za opis obiteljske tranzicije u kojoj odrasla djeca napuštaju roditeljski dom te predstavlja relativno novi fenomen dvadesetog stoljeća. S obzirom na to da majke i očevi nakon odlaska djeteta mogu doživjeti velike promjene u odnosu s partnerom, poput većih konflikata i nesuglasica u braku koje mogu dovesti i do smanjenog zadovoljstva brakom, važno je istraživati bračne odnose u ovoj fazi. Stoga je osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja bio ispitati potencijalne korelate zadovoljstva brakom kao i njihov prediktivni doprinos u objašnjenju varijance zadovoljstva brakom kod žena u fazi praznog gnijezda. Također, nastojale su se ispitati i potencijalne razlike u zadovoljstvu brakom s obzirom na određene sociodemografske čimbenike. Uzorak su činile udane žene koje su se u trenutku provođenja istraživanja nalazile u fazi praznog gnijezda (N = 201), a čija je prosječna dob bila 54 godine (sd = 6.81). Kao uvjet za zadovoljenje faze praznog gnijezda bio je postavljen kriterij da je posljednje dijete napustilo obiteljski dom prije minimalno godinu dana. Istraživanje je provedeno online metodom. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da ne postoje značajne razlike u zadovoljstvu brakom kod žena u fazi praznog gnijezda s obzirom na dob sudionica, godine braka, broj djece i vrijeme otkad je posljednje dijete napustilo obiteljski dom. Zadovoljstvo brakom u značajnoj je pozitivnoj korelaciji sa sigurnim utočištem i separacijskom anksioznošću kao funkcijama privrženosti prema partneru, bračnom stabilnosti, uspješnosti rješavanja bračnih konflikata, internalnim bračnim lokusom kontrole kao aspektima bračnog funkcioniranja te socijalnim samopoštovanjem, životnosti te ovisnošću o drugima kao osobinama ličnosti. S druge strane, zadovoljstvo brakom u značajnoj je negativnoj korelaciji s eksternalnim bračnim lokusom kontrole kao aspektom bračnog funkcioniranja i socijalnom odvažnosti kao osobinom ličnosti. Konačno, provođenjem hijerarhijske regresijske analize pojašnjeno je sveukupno 41% varijance zadovoljstva brakom, pri čemu se životnost kao faceta ekstraverzije i doživljaj sigurnog utočišta kao aspekt realizirane privrženosti u odnosu s partnerom pokazuju značajnim pozitivnim prediktorima, dok su socijalna odvažnost kao faceta ekstraverzije i eksternalni bračni lokus kontrole značajni negativni prediktori zadovoljstva brakom.
Abstract (english) The term empty nest is commonly used to describe a family transition in which adult children leave their parental home and represents a relatively new phenomenon of the twentieth century. Given that mothers and fathers can experience major changes in their relationship with their partner after the child leaves, such as major conflicts and marital disagreements that can lead to reduced marital satisfaction, it is important to explore marital relationships at this stage. Therefore, the main goal of this study was to examine potential correlates of marriage satisfaction as well as their predictive contribution in females in the empty nest phase. Another main goal of the study was to examine potential differences in marital satisfaction with respect to certain sociodemographic factors. The sample consisted of married women who were in the empty nest phase at the time of the study (N = 201) and whose average age was 54 (sd = 6.81). As a condition for satisfying the empty nest phase, the criterion was set that the last child left the family home at least one year ago. The research was conducted using the online method. The results of the study showed that there are no significant differences in marital satisfaction in females in the empty nest phase with respect to the age of participants, years of marriage, number of children and time since the last child left the family home. Marriage satisfaction is significantly positively correlated with safe shelter and separation anxiety as functions of attachment to a partner, marital stability, success in resolving marital conflicts, internal marital locus of control as aspects of marital functioning, social self – esteem, liveliness and dependence on others as personality traits. On the other hand, marital satisfaction is significantly negatively correlated with external marital locus of control as an aspect of marital functioning and social boldness as a personality trait. Finally, a hierarchical regression analysis clarified a total of 41% of the variance in marital satisfaction, with liveliness as a facet of extraversion and the experience of safe shelter as an aspect of realized attachment to partner as positive predictors and social boldness as a facet of extraversion and external marital locus of control as negative predictors of marital satisfaction.
prazno gnijezdo
bračno zadovoljstvo
bračna stabilnost
uspješnost rješavanja bračnih konflikata
osobine ličnosti
privrženost partneru
Keywords (english)
empty nest
marital satisfaction
marital stability
success in resolving marital conflicts
personality traits
attachment to partner.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:027201
Study programme Title: Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra psihologije (magistar/magistra psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-08-24 13:23:40