Title Razvoj višekriterijskog modela održivog upravljanja na području sedrotvornih vodotokova - primjer Skradinskog buka
Title (english) Development of multicriteria sustainable management model on the area of tufa forming watercourse - example of Skradinski buk
Author Ivan Marić
Mentor Ante Šiljeg (mentor) MBZ: 300646
Mentor Nina Lončar (komentor) MBZ: 293426
Mentor Admir Malahusić https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9727-8708 (komentor)
Committee member Neven Cukrov (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 125453
Committee member Ante Šiljeg (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 300646
Committee member Sanja Lozić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 195082
Granter University of Zadar Zadar
Defense date and country 2020-06-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Geography
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 502.1 - The environment and society
Abstract Nacionalni park „Krka“ (NPK) je osjetljiv sustav podložan različitim vrstama vanjskih poremećaja. Na širem području Skradinskog buka (SB) uočene su negativne hidrološke promjene te prestanak procesa sedrenja na nekim lokacijama. Glavni uzroci prepoznati su u nekontroliranom rastu i širenju invazivne vegetacije, pojačanom antropogenom utjecaju te neuklanjanju nanesenih biljnih fragmenata na mjestima prirodnih prepreka. S ciljem rješavanja problema Uprava Parka je pokrenula projekt pod
... More nazivom Upravljanje i održavanje makrovegetacije na Skradinskom buku – izrada višekriterijskog modela održivog upravljanja. Glavni cilj projekta je reaktivacija ugaslih sedrotvornih tokova, uklanjanje invazivne vegetacije te postizanje održivih uvjeta sedrenja na odabranoj testnoj plohi. Ostvaranje tog cilja uvjetovalo je provođene su brojnih aktivnosti i istraživanja među kojima su i ona dana u okviru ove doktorske disertacije. Metodološki okvir istraživanja je podijeljen u tri razine. Makro razina istraživanja obuhvaća skup aktivnosti usmjerenih prema odabiru testne plohe unutar šireg područja SB-a. Mezo razina uključuje postavljanje sustava za praćenje stanja sedrotvornog okoliša te kartiranje referentnog i završnog stanja vegetacije i hidrološke mreže na testnoj plohi nakon uklanjanja invazivne vegetacije. Na mikro razini istraživanja proučavana je dinamika formiranja sedre primjenom novog metodološkog pristupa temeljnog na metodi makrofotogrametrije. Provođenje predloženog višekriterijskog modela održivog upravljanja rezultiralo je ostvarenim ključnim ciljevima projekta. Na odabranoj testnoj plohi spriječena je sukcesija invazivne makrovegetacije, reaktivirani su ugasli sedrotvorni tokovi te su u njima postignuti održivi uvjeti sedrenja. Rezultati su potvrđeni kroz: izmjerene stope prirasta sedre, brzinu protoka vode, fizikalno-kemijske parametre, pojavu sedrotvornih organizama te izostanak obnove invazivne vegetacije. Mjerenja dinamike formiranja sedre rezultirala su prosječnom stopom prirasta od 5,771 mm a-1 . Utvrđena je velika varijabilnost u stopama prirasta sedre, a dinamika formiranja sedre odgovara karakteristikama većine aktivnih sedrotvornih sustava. Novi metodološki pristup (CMD) omogućuje intervalno praćenje dinamike formiranja sedre te generiranje modela submilimetarske rezolucije i visokokvalitetne teksture. CMD može biti primijenjen u svim istraživanjima koja zahtijevaju submilimetarsku kvalitetu podataka, usporedbu intervalnih 3D modela te izvođenje različitih morfometrijskih parametara manjeg objekta. Potencijalni korisnici izvedenog višekriterijskog modela održivog upravljanja mogu biti nacionalne, regionalne i lokalne vlasti te upravni odbori zaštićenih i ugroženih sedrotvornih područja. Less
Abstract (english) The Krka National Park is a sensible system exposed to different sorts of external disorders. In the wider Skradinski buk area (SB) negative hydrological changes were noticed which lead to a reduction of tufa formation intensity. Major reasons were recognized in uncontrolled growth and the spreading of invasive vegetation, strengthened by anthropogenic impact and the lack of removal of deposited plant fragments in places of natural obstacles. With the aim of solving the problem,
... More the administarion board has initiated the project entitled Management and maintenance of macro-vegetation in Skradinski buk – making of a multicriteria model of sustainable management. The main goal of the project is a reactivation of extinct tufa formation flows, removal of invasive vegetation and achieving sustainable conditions of tufa formation at the selected test surface. Achieving this goal has led to the implementation of numerous activities and research, including those given in this doctoral dissertation. The methodological framework of the research was divided into three levels. Macro level of the research encompasses a set of activities directed towards the selection of test surface within the wider SB area. Mezo level includes the installation of the system for tracking the condition of tufa-forming environment and mapping the referent and final condition of the vegetation and hydrological network on the test surface after the removal of invasive vegetation. At the micro level of the research, dynamics of tufa formation was studied by applying a new methodological approach based on the macro photogrammetry method. Implementation of the proposed multi-criteria model of sustainable management resulted in the achievement of key goals of the project. At the selected test surface, the succession of invasive macro vegetation was prevented, extinct tufa formation flows were reactivated and sustainable conditions of tufa formation were achieved within them. Results were confirmed by measured tufa growth rates, speed of water flow, physical-chemical parameters, the emergence of tufa-forming organisms, lack of invasive vegetation renewal and the dynamics of microfauna colonization. Measurements of the tufa formation dynamics resulted in an average growth rate of 5,771 mm a-1 . Large variability in tufa growth rates was determined and the dynamics of tufa formation matches characteristics of most of the active tufa-forming systems. The new methodological approach (CMD) enables interval tracking of tufa-forming dynamics and generation of the model of submillimeter resolution and high-quality texture. CMD can be applied in all studies which requires submillimeter data quality, comparison of interval 3D models and implementation of different morphometric parameters of a smaller object. Potential users of implemented multi-criteria model of sustainable management can be national, regional and local authorities and boards of directors of protected and endangered tufa-forming areas. Less
dinamika formiranja sedre
održivo upravljanje
uređaj za koordinatnu mjernu makrofotogrametriju (CMD)
modificirani mikro-erozijski metar (MEM)
NP „Krka“
Keywords (english)
dynamics of tufa formation
sustainable managment
coordinate measuring macrophotogrammetry device (CMD)
modified micro-erosion meter (MEM)
Krka National Park
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:039710
Promotion 2021
Study programme Title: Adriatic – a Link Among the Continents Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, polje geografija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, polje geografija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-08-27 11:01:29