Title Odjeci poetike apsurda u dramskom pismu Ivora Martinića
Title (english) Echoes of the poetics of apsurd in Ivor Martinić's drama scripts
Author Ema Radoš
Mentor Ana Gospić Županović (mentor)
Committee member Miranda Levanat Peričić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirela Šušić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Gospić Županović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Croatian Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-03-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract Središte ovoga diplomskog rada je istraživanje obilježja dramskog pisma mladog hrvatskog dramatičara i dramaturga Ivora Martinića. Osim teorijskoga dijela kojim će biti popraćeno ovo istraživanje, u središtu rada su poglavlja koja se bave analizom Martinićevih dramskih tekstova. U prvom poglavlju autor će se pokušati smjestiti u književnopovijesni kontekst, a osim toga protumačit će se i termin „mlada hrvatska drama“ u odnosu na termine „nova hrvatska drama“, „postmoderna drama“ itd. U drugom poglavlju predstavit će se bibliografski podatci o autoru te će se sažeto prikazati njegove najpoznatije drame. S obzirom na to da će se unutar dramskog opusa Ivora Martinića istraživati pozadina apsurdističke dramaturgije, treće poglavlje poslužit će kao teorijski dio o poetici apsurda te će se u tom poglavlju nastojati razraditi njezina važna obilježja. Središnji dio rada sačinjava analiza Martinićevog dramskog pisma, a analizirat će se, osim odjeka poetike apsurda i specifičnosti Martinićeva autorskog izričaja te ostala obilježja njegovog dramskog pisma kroz osnovne dramaturške koordinate kao što su jezik, prostor i vrijeme. U zaključku će biti sintetizirana osnovna zapažanja te će se pokušati odgovoriti na pitanje što je u Martinićevom dramskom pismu apsurdističko, zašto on poseže upravo za takvim elementima te što se time postiže. Osim toga, razriješit će se zašto Martinić inzistira na intimnom prostoru u svojim dramama te koje su jezične osobitosti njegovih drama.
Abstract (english) In the centre of this master's thesis is a study of characteristics in drama work of a young Croatian dramatist and dramaturge Ivor Martinić. Next to the theoretic part with whom this paper will be supported by, the main part consists of analyzing Martinić's drama scripts. In the first section the author will be placed into a literary-historical context, and besides that, the term of „young croatian drama“ will be defined in a comparison to terms „new croatian drama“, „postmodern drama“ etc. Also, authors of a new generation of dramatists will be named in this chapter. The second chapter will represent bibliographic information about the author and will shortly display his most famous dramas. Considering the fact that inside Ivor Martinić's drama opus will be explored the apsurdistic background of dramaturgy, the third chapter will serve as a theoretical support about the poetics of apsurd and so in this part will also be listed her markings and representatives. Afterwards, the middle part of the paper will analyze Martinić's drama scripts and, besides the poetics of apsurd, language, space and time will also be a part of the analysis along with his authoric statements. Finally, the ending of this paper consists in a conclusion that will demonstrate what in Ivor Martinić's drama is apsurdistic, why does he reach for that type of writing and what does he achieve with it. Moreover, the conclusion will provide answers to the question of why does Ivor Martinić insists on an intimistic space in his dramas and what type of language does he use in them.
poetika apsurda
mlada hrvatska drama
postmoderna drama
Ivor Martinić
Keywords (english)
poetics of apsurd
mlada hrvatska drama (young Croatian drama)
postmodern drama
Ivor Martinić
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:418889
Study programme Title: Croatian Language and Literature; specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije hrvatskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije hrvatskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-09-09 12:51:38