Title Adaptation cinématographique de D'entre les morts de Pierre Louis Boileau et Thomas Narcejac
Title (croatian) Filmska adaptacija romana „Među mrtvima“ Pierrea Louisa Boileaua i Thomasa Narcejaca
Title (english) Film adaptation of The Living and the Dead by Pierre Louis Boileau and Thomas Narcejac
Author Mislav Blagaić
Mentor Patrick Levačić (mentor)
Committee member Daniela Ćurko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Frano Vrančić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Patrick Levačić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of French and Francophone Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract Le film Sueurs froides réalisé par le cinéaste britanno-américain Alfred Hitchcock en 1957 est une adaptation du roman D’entre les morts écrit par le duo français Pierre Louis Boileau et Thomas Narcejac. Les sujets du film et du roman ne se diffèrent pas considérablement. Dans le centre de sujet se trouve un ancien policier nommé Roger Flavières (dans le roman) et John Scottie Ferguson (dans le film). Son acrophobie le retient de la vie normale, ce qu’utilise Paul Gévigne (un ancien ami) pour le piéger dans le meurtre de sa femme. Ce qui se diffère sont les noms des personnages, la localisation et le contexte historique. Étant donné que le film se déroule à San Francisco aux États-Unis (à la différence de Paris au roman), l’adaptateur devait changer les noms en choisissant les noms américains. Le contexte historique qui manque dans le film est le contexte de la Seconde guerre mondiale. Le roman se déroule aux années quarante, et d’autre côté le film se déroule dans les années cinquante. Le roman appartient au genre des romans policiers, et le film appartient au genre des thrillers, bien qu’il y avait des efforts pour le mettre dans la catégorie des films noirs. Un gros impact dans Sueurs froides ont les femmes - Madeleine, Midge, Judy et Renée. Chacune d’elles impacte le comportement de Scottie qui est un peu perdu dans le monde des femmes. Nous pouvons comparer la relation entre Scottie et Madeleine avec celle entre Orphée et Eurydice. Ce n’est pas étonnant parce que les auteurs se sont inspirés par la mythologie grecque. L’insipiration pour l’oeuvre était sûrement aussi la théorie psychanalytique. Les chercheurs ont trouvé de nombreux éléments freudiens et lacaniens dans Sueurs froides ce que le rend encore plus complexe et intéressant.
Abstract (croatian) Film Vrtoglavica, snimljen 1957. u režiji britansko-američkog redatelja Alfreda Hitchcocka smatra se remek djelom sedme umjetnosti i često se navodi kao najbolji film svih vremena. Film je nastao kao adaptacija policijskog romana „D'entre les morts“ francuskog dua koji su činili Pierre Louis Boileau i Thomas Narcejac. Radnja romana i filma se naročito ne razlikuju. U središtu radnje je umirovljeni policajac koji pati od akrofobije koju je zadobio nakon jedne policijske jurnjave krovovima San Francisca. Njegov strah od visina će iskoristiti stari prijatelj iz studentskih dana (Paul Gévigne u romanu, Gavin Elster u filmu). Skovat će plan za ubojstvo vlastite supruge, a za ostvarivanje plana najpotrebniji će mu biti upravo John „Scottie“ Ferguson. Razlike između romana i filma se najviše ogledaju u činjenici što se radnja filma odvija u San Franciscu, za razliku od Pariza koji je centar radnje romana. Iz filma je izbačen i kontekst Drugog svjetskog rata koji u romanu igra značajnu ulogu. Imena su također promijenjena kako bi se bolje uklopila u američko društvo. Roman pripada žanru policijskog romana, dok se film svrstava u žanr trilera, iako ga se pokušavalo svrstati i među film noir. Veliku ulogu u Vrtoglavici imaju žene – kako na razini fabule, tako i na psihološkoj razini. Proučavatelji Vrtoglavice uočili su i elemente grčke mitologije u vidu priče o Orfeju i Euridici, uspoređujući ih sa Scottiejem i Madeleine. Autori su se isto tako inspirirali psihoanalitikom i teorijama Sigmunda Freuda i Jacquesa Lacana. I film i roman obiliju frojdovskim elementima, što čini ovo djelo još kompleksnijim i zanimljivijim.
Abstract (english) Film Vertigo, shot in 1957 by Anglo-American director Alfred Hitchcock is considered to by a masterpiece of the seventh art and it is often quoted as the best film of all times. Film was made as an adaptation of a french police novel „D'entre les morts“ (The Living and the Dead) written by french duo Boileau-Narcejac. The plots of film and novel are not that different. In the center is an ex-policeman John „Scottie“ Ferguson suffering from acrophobia which he got during a police chase on the roofs of San Francisco. His fear of heights will be used by his old friend Gavin Elster. Elster will make a plan to kill his wife, and for making the plan real the key will be Ferguson's fear of heights. The biggest difference in the novel and in the film is that the film is set in San Francisco, while the novel is set in Paris. Furthermore, in the film we don't have the context of the Second World War, which is very important to the novel. Also, the names of the characters are changed according to the american society. The novel is considered to be part of the genre of police novel, while the film belongs to the genre of thrillers. Women have also a big impact in Vertigo – they are important for the story of Vertigo, but they also have a big importance on the psychological level. There are also many elements of greek mythology, for example the relationship between Madeleine and Scottie is considered to be the replica of the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. Another inspiration for the authors was definitely psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan. Many psychoanalytic elements are found throughout Vertigo, which makes this masterpiece even more complexed and interesting.
Sueurs froides
roman policier
rôles féminins
mythe d’Orphée
théorie psychanalytique
mythologie grecque.
Keywords (croatian)
policijski roman
ženske uloge
mit o Orfeju
grčka mitologija.
Keywords (english)
police novel
female roles
myth of Orpheus
psychoanalytic theory
greek mythology
Language french
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:603280
Study programme Title: French Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Translation Course: Translation Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra francuskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra francuskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-09-17 10:19:58