Title Focus on Objectives, Outcomes, and Learner Needs in ESP Courses
Title (croatian) Ciljevi, ishodi i potrebe studenata u nastavi engleskoga kao jezika struke
Author Adriana Petra Blažević
Mentor Anna Martinović (mentor)
Committee member Lidija Štrmelj (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anna Martinović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Škifić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of English) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-10-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Anglistics
Abstract The rapid development of English for Specific Purposes (ESP), as a distinct field of language study, is perceived as a consequence of the global expansion of the English language in numerous areas of economic activity. In the light of the growing societal demands for English language acquisition, various stakeholders within the domain of ESP have directed their focus towards the elaboration of learner needs and the attainment of desired learning objectives and outcomes. Thus, the aim of this thesis was to investigate the importance of needs analysis in Croatian ESP courses so as to define relevant learning objectives and outcomes, as well as teacher attitudes towards the challenges of ESP course design. In order achieve this aim, course syllabuses and relevant coursebooks of four ESP courses in Split, Croatia were subjected to analysis. Moreover, semi-structured interviews were conducted with four ESP teachers in order to gain an understanding of the numerous challenges which emerge in the process of ESP course management in Croatia. The results of the investigation revealed that learner needs, objectives and outcomes generally do align with the recent developments within respective fields of study; however, the acquisition of interpersonal communication skills and intercultural competence requires further consideration in some Croatian ESP courses. In addition, it was shown that ESP teachers in Croatia need more support in the process of dealing with subject-specific phenomena and material selection. What is more, the attainment of learner autonomy within large heterogenous environments is a challenge that still needs to be met.
Abstract (croatian) Globalna eskpanzija engleskoga jezika u brojnim područjima gospodarske aktivnosti za posljedicu je imala rapidan razvoj interesa za učenje engleskoga jezika kao jezika struke. Štoviše, uslijed porasta interesa za usvajanje engleskoga jezika u profesionalnim kontekstima, također je porasla potreba za redefiniranjem nastavnih ishoda i ciljeva u kontekstu aktualnih potreba studenata u stručnim okruženjima. Shodno tome, cilj ovoga rada bila je analiza potreba studenata te definiranja aktualnih nastavnih ciljeva i ishoda u kontekstu engleskoga kao jezika struke. Nadalje, istraživanje je za cilj također imalo razumijevanje stavova profesorica prema mnogim izazovnim aspektima predavanja engleskoga jezika struke. U svrhu postizanja istraživačkoga cilja, izvedbeni planovi i nastavni materijali četiriju sveučilišnih kolegija engleskoga jezika struke podvrgnuti su analizi. Nadalje, provedena su četiri polustrukturirana intervjua u svrhu razumijevanja procesa izrade i provedbe kolegija engleskoga jezika struke u hrvatskim kontekstima. Iako su rezultati istraživanja ukazali na relativnu dosljednost između nastavnih ishoda engleskoga jezika struke i suvremenih doprinosa unutar različitih okupacijskih sfera, u određenim nastavnim kontekstima engleskoga jezika struke izostaje interes za razvoj međuljudskih komunikacijskih vještina i međukulturalne kompetencije. Štoviše, pokazalo se kako profesorima engleskoga jezika struke nisu omogućeni adekvatni resursi u procesu savladavanja tehničke terminologije te razumijevanja i odabira nastavnih materijala. Štoviše, ostvarenje učeničke autonomije u kontekstu mnogobrojnih i heterogenih studentskih populacija još je uvijek neostvareni ideal u nastavi engleskoga jezika struke u u Hrvatskoj.
learning objectives
learning outcomes
learner needs
teacher attitudes
Keywords (croatian)
engleski jezik struke
nastavni ciljevi
nastavni ishodi
potrebe studenata
stavovi profesorica
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:444599
Study programme Title: English Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Teaching, Research Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije engleskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije engleskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2021-10-26 11:50:24