Title Uloga Europskih strukturnih i investicijskih fondova u poticanju regionalnog razvoja
Title (english) Role of European Structural and Investment Funds In Supporting Regional Development
Author Martina Vukašina
Mentor Ines Kersan-Škabić (mentor) MBZ: 217986
Committee member Mladen Rajko (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 344471
Committee member Lela Tijanić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 299313
Committee member Kristina Afrić-Rakitovac (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 211206
Granter University of Zadar Zadar
Defense date and country 2021, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 339 - Trade. Commerce. International economic relations. World economy
Abstract U ovom doktorskom radu analizira se utjecaj instrumenata kohezijske politike na regionalni razvoj novih zemalja članica Europske unije. Istraživanje se sastojalo od teorijske i empirijske analize. Teorijski dio rada obuhvaća analizu apsorpcije i mogućnosti novih zemalja članica u korištenju financijskih instrumenata kohezijske politike. Analizirajući apsorpciju sredstava iz instrumenata kohezijske politike, nove zemlje članice (EU-13) sporije apsorbiraju sredstva u odnosu na starije zemlje članice (EU-15). Prema literaturi najistaknutiji faktor u uspješnoj apsorpciji EU fondova institucionalni je sustav zemlje članice. Sukladno tomu ključ za uspješno korištenje EU fondova jest jačanje ljudskih resursa i potpornih institucija. Empirijski dio rada obuhvaća dvije analize panel-podataka. Prva analiza usmjerena je na utvrđivanje utjecaja isplaćenih sredstava iz ESI fondova na razvoj NUTS 2 regija novih zemalja članica mjereno kao BDP po stanovniku. U panel analizi su se uzeli pokazatelji za 57 NUTS 2 regija novih zemalja članica u razdoblju od 2008. do 2016. godine. Nakon provedene statičke i dinamičke panel-analize zaključilo se da su isplaćena sredstva iz ESI fondova ostvarila pozitivan, ali malen utjecaj na BDP po stanovniku. Druga empirijska analiza utvrđuje utjecaj ugovorenih sredstava iz ESI fondova na razvoj NUTS 3 regija Republike Hrvatske u razdoblju od 2013. do 2017. godine. Temeljem provedene statičke analize panel-podataka zaključilo se da ugovorena sredstva imaju malen, ali pozitivan utjecaj na BDP po stanovniku NUTS 3 regija odnosno županija u Republici Hrvatskoj. Najvažniji poučak ovog istraživanja jest da se ne smije oslanjati na instrumente kohezijske politike kao jedine izvore investicija i pokretače razvoja. Oni jesu kvalitetan temelj za rast i razvoj regija novih zemalja članica, ali sami neće dovesti do regionalne konvergencije niti unutar Hrvatske niti unutar Europske unije.
Abstract (english) This doctoral thesis analyses the impact of cohesion policy instruments on the regional development of the new Member States of the European Union. The research consisted of theoretical and empirical analysis. The theoretical part of the doctoral thesis includes absorption analysis and opportunities of new European Union states in the usage of financial instruments of cohesion policy. Analysing fund absorption from cohesion policy instruments, the new EU member states (EU13) are more slowly absorbing resources in comparison with the older EU member states (EU15). According to the literature, the foremost factor in successful adsorption is the institutional system of the Member State, following that the key to the successful usage of EU funds is strengthening of the human resources and supporting institutions. The empirical part of the doctoral thesis includes two-panel data analysis. The first analysis is directed to the determination of disbursement impact from ESI funds on the development of the NUTS 2 regions of the new Member States on GDP per capita. Indicators for 57 NUTS2 regions of the new Member State in the period from 2008. to 2016. were taken into the panel. After conducting statistical and dynamic panel analysis, it was concluded that disbursed funds, from ESI funds, had a small positive impact on GDP per capita. The second empirical analysis determines the impact of contracted funds, from ESI funds, on the development of NUTS 3 regions of the Republic of Croatia in the period from 2013. – 2017.. Based on the conducted statistical analysis of panel data, it was concluded that contracted funds have a small impact, but a positive impact on GDP per capita of NUTS 3 regions or counties in the Republic of Croatia. The most important lesson of this doctoral thesis is that it must not rely only on cohesion policy instruments as the only sources of investment and drivers of development. They can be used as a quality basis for the growth and development of the regions of the new Member States, but only cohesion policy instruments will not lead to regional convergence nor in Croatia or within European Union.
regionalni razvoj
Europski strukturni i investicijski fondovi
nove zemlje članice EU-a
kohezijska politika EU-a
analiza panel-podataka
Keywords (english)
Regional Development
European Structural and Investment Funds
New EU Member States
EU Cohesion policy
Data panel analysis
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:237861
Promotion 2021
Study programme Title: Joint postgraduate doctoral study International Relations Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti iz područja društvenih znanost, polje interdisciplinarne društvene znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti iz područja društvenih znanost, polje interdisciplinarne društvene znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-10-29 10:08:15