Title Utjecaj pandemije uzrokovane pojavom koronavirusa na turizam na području grada Vodica
Title (english) Impact of coronavirus pandemic on tourism in the city of Vodice
Author Ana Vojvoda
Mentor Đani Bunja (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Klarin (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Đani Bunja (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vlado Sušac (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-10-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Na početku prvog poglavlja diplomskog rada definirana je kriza u turizmu i pojašnjena osjetljivost turizma na nasilne događaje iz okruženja. Pobliže su objašnjene krize terorizam, rat i politička nestabilnost, prirodne nepogode, te epidemije i bolesti. Nakon toga slijedi drugi dio poglavlja koji uključuje opis novog virus, kao i njegov utjecaj na turizam općenito. Pojašnjena je osjetljivost turizma na COVID-19 krizu, razvoj održivog turizma za vrijeme pandemije i prikazano je promišljanje o razvoju turizma nakon krize. Sljedeće poglavlje se bavi turizmom u Hrvatskoj prije i tijekom pandemije. Opisan je turizam i njegov razvoj u Hrvatskoj, a zatim se poglavlje bavi s tri različita razdoblja turizma vezana uz pandemiju. Kao razdoblje prije pandemije obrađena je 2019. godina i obradom podataka je utvrđen ukupni turistički promet, struktura turista, potrošnja itd. Kao razdoblje tijekom pandemije analizirana je turistička sezona 2020. u kojoj su obrađeni isti podaci kao i u prethodnoj godini, te su oni međusobno uspoređeni. U posljednjem dijelu poglavlja navedene su provedene mjere Vlade za oporavak turizma u Hrvatskoj, kao i promišljanja o njegovom budućem razvoju. U trećem poglavlju je analiziran utjecaj pandemije na turizam grada Vodica. Na početku poglavlja pojašnjena su prirodno- geografska obilježja grada Vodica, prometna infrastruktura, povijest grada i sl. Zatim je prikazana kratka povijest i razvoj turizma na ovom području, te je definirana turistička atrakcijska osnova. Nakon toga, prikazan je utjecaj COVID-19 krize na turizam Vodica tijekom turističke sezone 2020. Na posljetku su razmotrene mogućnosti za daljnji razvoj turizma nakon pandemije. Posljednje poglavlje rada bavi se analizom podataka prikupljenih anketnim istraživanjem i ispitivanjem postavljenih hipoteza. Navedeni su i interpretirani dobiveni rezultati.
Abstract (english) At the beginning of the first chapter of the thesis, the crisis in tourism is defined and the sensibility of tourism to violent events in the environment is explained. The crises of terrorism, war and political instability, natural disasters, and epidemics and diseases are explained in more detail. This is followed by the second part of the chapter which includes a description of the new virus as well as its impact on tourism in general. The sensibility of tourism to the COVID- 19 crisis, the development of sustainable tourism during a pandemic and a reflection on the development of tourism after the crisis are explained. The next chapter is about tourism in Croatia before and during the pandemic. Tourism and its development in Croatia are described, and then the chapter describes three different periods of tourism related to the pandemic. The period considered before the pandemic is 2019 and by processing data, the total tourist traffic, structure of tourists, consumption, etc. is determined. As the period during the pandemic, the tourist season 2020 was analyzed in which the same data were processed as in the previous year, and also compared. The last part of the chapter lists the implemented measures of the Government for the recovery of tourism in Croatia, as well as reflections on its future development. The third chapter analyzes the impact of the pandemic on the tourism of the city of Vodice. At the beginning of the chapter, the natural-geographical features of Vodice, their transport infrastructure and the history of the city are explained. Then, a short history and development of the city's tourism is presented, and the tourist attraction basis of this area is defined. After that, the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the tourism of Vodice during the tourist season 2020 is explained. Finally, the possibilities for further development of tourism after the pandemic are discussed. The last chapter of the paper deals with the processing of data collected by survey research and testing of hypotheses. The obtained results are stated and interpreted.
utjecaj pandemije
Keywords (english)
pandemic influence
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:678574
Study programme Title: Entrepreneurship in Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-11-03 13:47:31