Title Satirično i parodijsko u dramskom opusu Ive Brešana
Title (english) Satirical and parodic in the dramatic opus of Ivo Brešan
Author Ana Ban
Mentor Ana Gospić Županović (mentor)
Committee member Miranda Levanat Peričić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Gospić Županović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Petešić Šušak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Croatian Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-03-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract Svrha je ovoga rada analizirati i definirati elemente satire i parodije u dramskom opusu Ive Brešana, točnije u dramama koje su nastajale u razdoblju od šezdesetih godina do 2000. godine. Proučavanjem dramskih tekstova Predstava Hamleta u selu Mrduša Donja, Svečana večera u pogrebnom poduzeću, Utvare i Nihilist iz Vele Mlake, teško je odrediti granicu između satire i parodije, budući da se pojmovi međusobno isprepliću, pojavljuju u različitim omjerima i odnosima unutar prve i druge faze Brešanova dramskog stvaralaštva. Rad je u većoj mjeri posvećen analizi elemenata političke i društvene satire, te parodije, koja djeluje kao nerazdvojivi element satire koji najčešće dolazi do izražaja korištenjem intertekstualnih postupaka, poigravanjem i izvrtanjem značenja riječi na tematsko-izražajnom planu teksta. Implementacijom navedenih elemenata, od vrlo suptilnih do komičnih postupaka, autor prikazuje društvo i izokrenute društvene vrijednosti unutar svih promjena koje su Hrvatsku zadesile u posljednjih pedeset godina. Na kraju, važno je naglasiti kako Brešanove tragedije i komedije nisu bile kritička osuda vremena, već poziv na mijenjanje i otvaranje novog pogleda na stvarnost. Shodno tome, okretanjem ka filozofskim pitanjima u dramama devedesetih godina, pokušala se definirati praznina koja je nastala i otkriti smisao čovjekova postojanja, jer za Brešana svrha drame nije bila u davanju odgovora već postavljanju pravih pitanja.
Abstract (english) The purpose of this paper is to analyze and define the elements of satire and parody in the dramatic opus of Ivo Brešan, more precisely in dramas that were created in the period from the 1960s to 2000. Analyzing the dramatic texts Predstava Hamleta u selu Mrduša Donja, Svečana večera u pogrebnom poduzeću, Utvare i Nihilist iz Vele Mlake is difficult to draw the line between satire and parody, as the concepts are intertwined, appearing in different proportions and relationships within the first and second phases of Brešan's dramatic work. The paper is largely devoted to the analysis of elements of political and social satire, and parody, which acts as an inseparable element of satire that is most often expressed by using intertextual procedures, playing and distorting the meaning of words on the thematic-expressive level of the text. By implementing these elements, from very subtle to comic procedures, the author presents society and distorted social values within all the changes that have befallen Croatia in the last fifty years. Finally, it is important to emphasize that Brešan's comedies were not a critical condemnation of the times but a call to change and open a new view of reality. Consequently, by turning to philosophical questions in the dramas of the 1990s, an attempt was made to define the void that arose and reveal the meaning of human existence, because for Brešan the purpose of the play was not to answer but to ask the right questions.
politička satira
društvena satira
suvremena drama
Keywords (english)
political satire
social satire
modern drama
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:864643
Study programme Title: Croatian Language and Literature; specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije hrvatskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije hrvatskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
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Created on 2022-06-09 09:56:40