Abstract | U ovom diplomskom radu istraživali smo položaj žena u islamu i kršćanstvu. Cilj rada bio je prikazati i istražiti njihov položaj kako bi se ženina uloga u religiji i društvu bolje razumjela, koristeći induktivnu i deduktivnu metodu te metodu analize i komparacije. Usporedbom kršćanstva i islama, ukratko smo prikazali njihove zajedničke značajke ali i razlike. Kršćanstvo i islam kao monoteističke religije imaju dosta poveznica jer se obje oslanjaju na svete spise te su nastale na Bliskom istoku. No, razilaze se kod poimanja Boga, odnosno islam ne priznaje Isusa Krista kao Boga, niti priznaje Sveto Trojstvo. Prije objave Ku'rana, položaj žene u islamu bio je diskriminiran u odnosu na muškarca, što se često pripisuje dominantnoj poziciji patrijarhalnosti u islamskom društvu, ali i pridržavanju te prakticiranju tradicionalnih običaja. Dolaskom islama, ženin položaj se mijenja u kulturnom i duhovnom smislu, no zbog tradicionalnih običaja koji imaju važno mjesto u kulturološkom svijetu islama, dolazi do kontroverznih rasprava između istoka i zapada. Položaj žene u kršćanstvu opisan je u Starom zavjetu gdje su se žene u židovskom društvu smatrane manje vrijednim bićima u odnosu na muškarca. Kao i u islamu, takvo stajalište pripisuje se prevladavanju patrijarhalnosti. U Novom zavjetu, dolaskom Isusa Krista, položaj žena u kršćanstvu se mijenja. Žena ima jednako dostojanstvo kao i muškarac, a to dostojanstvo i savršeni uzor žene upravo prikazuje lik Blažene Djevice Marije. Budući da se govori o položaju žena u islamu i kršćanstvu, u radu smo se bavili temom razvoda i braka. Razvod u islamu i kršćanstvu smatra se vrstom grijeha, a brak koji ne možemo odvojiti od religije, u islamu je ugovor između muškarca i žene, dok je u kršćanstvu ženidba sakrament. Povijest te efekti patrijarhalnosti i tradicionalnih običaja, oblikovali su ulogu i zadaću žene u islamu i kršćanstvu, koja je i danas ponegdje u diskriminirajućim pozicijama. |
Abstract (english) | In this thesis, we explored the position of women in Islam and Christianity. The aim of the paper was to present and investigate their position in order to better understand women 's role in religion and society, using the inductive and deductive methods and the method of analysis and comparison. By comparing Christianity and Islam, we briefly show their common features but also their differences. Christianity and Islam, as monotheistic religions, have a lot of connections because both rely on the Scriptures, and both have originated in the Middle East. However, they differ in their understanding of God, i.e. Islam does not recognize Jesus Christ as God, nor does it recognize the Holy Trinity. Prior to the revelation of the Qur'an, the position of women in Islam was discriminated against in relation to men, which is often attributed to the domination of patriarchy in Islamic society, but also to the adherence to the practice of traditional customs. With the advent of Islam, a woman’s position changes in a cultural and spiritual sense, but due to traditional customs that have an important place in the cultural world of Islam, there are controversial debates between East and West. The position of women in Christianity is described in the Old Testament where women in Jewish society were considered to be lesser beings than men. As in Islam, such an attitude is attributed to the rule of patriarchy. In the New Testament, with the coming of Jesus Christ, the position of women in Christianity changes. A woman has the same dignity as a man, and this dignity and the perfect example of a woman are precisely portrayed by the figure of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Since we are talking about the position of women in Islam and Christianity in this thesis, we have also dealt with the topic of divorce and marriage. Divorce in Islam and Christianity is considered a type of sin, and marriage, which we cannot separate from religion, is a contract between a man and a woman in Islam, while in Christianity it is a sacrament. History and the effects of patriarchy and traditional customs have shaped the role and task of women in Islam and Christianity, which remains discriminatory positions in some places. |