Abstract | Rad se bavi prostornom transformacijom otoka Čiova pod utjecajem razvoja turizma. Dugi niz godina stanovništvo otoka Čiova se bavilo poljoprivredom, uzgajali su kulture maslina, vinove loze i smokve, a na manjim plodnim površinama, uvalama i ponikvama bila je sijana pšenica i sađene su povrtne kulture. Stanovništvo je često krčilo makiju u svrhu stvaranja pašnjaka koji su bili temelj uzgoja stoke. Ribarstvo je bilo manje značajno od poljoprivrede i stočarstva. Najveći broj stanovika je bio zaposlen u primarnom sektoru sve do 1960-ih kada ju je zamjenio sekundarni sektor. Velik broj novootvorenih tvrtki i snažna industrijalizacija omogućavala je stanovništvu dodatna zapošljavanja, ali i veće prihode. Početkom 1970-ih na otoku se počinje razvijati turizam koji zauzima glavnu ulogu u gospodarskim djelatnostima sve do danas. Cilj istraživanja je bio prikazati razvoj uslužnih djelatnosti s naglaskom na turizam te analizirati osnovne turističke pokazatelje – kretanje broja turističkih dolazaka i ostvarenih noćenja te smještajnih kapaciteta. Također, cilj je bio proučiti društveno-gospodarsku, ali i prostorno-funkcionalnu preobrazbu otoka. Podaci su obrađeni iz publikacija Državnog zavoda za statistiku. Kako bi se promjene što jače dočarale neizbježan je bio terenski rad i fotografiranje naselja na otoku. Uz izrađene dijagrame, fotografije su prikazale jačinu prostornih promjena u istraživanom području. U radu su prikazani problemi sa postojećom infrastrukturom koja nije građena u skladu sa sve većim brojem stanova i objekata. Naselje koje ima najviše takvih problema je Okrug Gornji koji je ujedno i naselje sa najintezivnijom preobrazbom na otoku koja je uništila tradicionalni izgled naselja. Nadalje, utvrdile su se perpektive i mogućnosti daljnjeg razvoja turizma koje bi omogućile poboljšanje otočne turističke ponude. Osim razvoja turizma, važno je što više ulagati u projekte koji će popraviti zadovoljstvo i kvalitetu života otočana u zimskim mjesecima te koji će spriječiti odlazak mladog i radno sposobnog stanovništva u europske zemlje. Stanovništvo otoka je glavna pokretačka snaga koja osigurava ekonomsku aktivnost, gospodarski razvoj i stabilnost ovog otoka. Unatoč jako dobrom geografskom položaju i prometnoj povezanosti ako se nastavi trend emigracije s otoka, Čiovo će doživljavati sve jači proces depopulacije odnosno preobrazbu otoka ili njegovih dijelova iz trajno naseljenog u prostor za odmor i rekreaciju. |
Abstract (english) | This paper researches the spatial transformation of the island of Čiovo impacted by tourism. For a number of years the inhabitants of the island have been farmers, cultivating olive trees, grape vines and fig trees, as well as wheat and vegetables on less fertile lands, in bays and sinkholes. They frequently cleared the land with the aim of creating grassland to enable livestock breeding. Fishing was less significant than agriculture and farming. The majority of inhabitants were employed in the primary sector until the 1960s when it was replaced by the secondary sector. A large number of newly-opened companies and intense industrialisation provided the inhabitants with additional employment, as well as increased income. The beginning of the 1970s saw the development of tourism on the island, which takes on the role of the main economic sector to this day. The aim of the research was to show the development of the service industries, with the focus on tourism, as well as to analyse the main tourist indicators - trends in the numbers of tourist arrivals, overnight stays and accommodation facilities. Also, the aim was to study the socio-economic and spatial-functional transformation of the island. The data have been analysed from the publications of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics. In order to completely evoke the changes, field work was inevitable as well as photo documentation of the settlements on the island. With attached diagrams, the photos well document the magnitude of the spatial changes in the researched area. This paper indicates the problems of the existing infrastructure which wasn’t built to accompany the growing numbers of flats and objects. The settlement which has most of these infrastructure issues is Okrug Gornji, which is also the settlement with the most extensive transformation that has destroyed the traditional landscape of the island. Furthermore, this paper defines the prospects and possibilities of the further development of tourism, which would enable the improvement of the island’s tourist offer. Apart from tourist investments, it is critical to invest more in the projects which would undoubtedly improve the satisfaction and quality of life of the islanders in winter months, as well as those which would prevent the leaving of the young and working-age population to European countries. The inhabitants of the island are the major driving force which ensures economic activity, economic development and the stability of this island. Despite its favourable geographic location and transportation connections, if this trend of emigration continues, the island of Čiovo will experience a more and more intense process of depopulation, more precisely, transformation of the island and its parts from permanently inhabited island to a location for leisure and recreation. |