Title Osnove Pascalove filozofske misli
Title (english) Fundamentals of Pascal's Philosophical Thought
Author Kristina Radman-Livaja
Mentor Maja Poljak (mentor)
Mentor Ivana Knežić (komentor)
Committee member Vani Roščić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Poljak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Knežić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Philosophy) Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-10-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philosophy Philosophy of Theology
Abstract U ovom diplomskom radu će se obrazložiti osnovne filozofske misli francuskog filozofa Blaise Pascala. Cilj ovog rada je analizirati osnovne teme koje se nalaze u njegovom filozofskom sustavu. Analiza započinje Pascalovim razlikovanje Boga filozofa i Boga kršćana, te je stoga u tom poglavlju obrazložena njegova kritika prema racionalistima i njihovom shvaćanju Boga. Nadalje će se, u sljedećem poglavlju, iznijeti njegovo eksplicitno razlikovanje geometrijskog i tankoćutnog duha, koji su neophodni u razumijevanju Pascalovog tumačenju čovjeka kao cjeline. Potom će se fokus preusmjeriti na Pascalovo shvaćanje ljudske bijede i veličine, te će se obrazložiti u čemu se sastoji ljudska bijeda, kako čovjek spoznaje vlastitu bijedu, razloge zbog kojih se nalazi u tom stanju te kako iz njega izaći. Nadalje će se obrađivati Pascalovo shvaćanje ljudske veličine, te će se ujedno obrazložiti njena povezanost s ljudskom bijedom, objašnjavajući također u čemu se sastoji ljudska veličina te na koji način povezana sa spoznajom Boga. Naposlijetku će se iznijeti analiza Pascalovih dokaza za kršćanstvo, njegova sinteza tankoćutnog i geometrijskog duha, te njihova primjena u dokazivanju kršćanstva. Na taj način će se u potpunosti obuhvatiti Pascalov složen pogled na čovjeka, njegov položaj u životu kao i njegove spoznaje.
Abstract (english) This thesis will explain the fundamental philosophical thoughts of the French philosopher Blaise Pascal. The aim of this paper is to analyze the basic themes found in his philosophical system. The analysis begins with Pascal's distinction between the God of the philosopher and the God of the Christians, and therefore is explained in that chapter his criticism of rationalists and their understanding of God. Furthermore, in the next chapter will be presented, his explicit distinction between the mathematical and intuitive spirit, which are essential in understanding Pascal's interpretation of the human being as a whole. Then the focus will be shifted to Pascal's understanding of human misery and greatness, and it will be explained what human misery consists of, how a person realizes their own misery, the reasons why the individual is in that state and how it can be left. Pascal's understanding of human greatness will be further elaborated, and the connection with human misery will be furthermore explained, also what human greatness consists and what is the connection with the knowledge of God. Finally, the analysis of Pascal's evidence for Christianity, his synthesis of the intuitive and mathematical spirit, and their application in proving Christianity will be presented. In this way, Pascal's complexity in understanding the human being, it’s position in life and his ability to reach knowledge will be fully covered.
dokazi za kršćanstvo
tankoćutni duh
geometrijski duh
Keywords (english)
evidence for Christianity
mathematical spirit
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:206670
Study programme Title: Philosophy (double major); specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije filozofije (magistar/magistra edukacije filozofije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-10-12 13:47:25