Title Directed Motivational Currents in L2 English Learning
Title (croatian) Directed Motivational Currents u usvajanju Engleskog kao drugog jezika
Author Nina Kuftić
Mentor Anna Martinović (mentor)
Committee member Sanja Škifić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anna Martinović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dino Dumančić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of English) Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-07-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Anglistics
Abstract Directed Motivational Currents (DMCs) emerged as a way to conceptualize intense surges in L2 motivation which can carry the learners towards achieving their L2-related goals. DMCs are triggered by a powerful triggering stimulus which can be of diverse nature and their successful launching depends on various conditions. DMCs are characterized by three key features, first of which is goal-orientedness. Individuals experiencing DMCs are highly focused on a clearly defined goal accompanied by vision of the idealized future self that has reached the goal. The second feature of DMCs is salient facilitative structure which consists of a new set of automatized behavioral routines, subgoals, and affirmative feedback. The third key feature of DMCs is positive emotionality which accounts for an overall positive experience while engaged in pursuing the L2 goal, regardless of the type of activity or task in question. The aim of this study was to describe DMCs among second year English language students at the University of Zadar. For the purpose of this study, interviews were conducted using an adapted version of Muir’s (2016) DMC Disposition Questionnaire, as well as additional questions based on the key features of DMCs presented in the theoretical overview of the thesis. The findings illustrated that the experiences of Croatian university students displayed the key features of DMCs. DMCs were launched due to various triggering stimuli, among which those classified as relating to intrapersonal reasons were the most common ones. Additionally, the challenge-skill balance was examined, and the results showed that the participants were generally confident in their abilities while still believing there is room for improvement. Furthermore, L2 related goals and visions were mostly present as well as subgoals and behavioral routines. The most surprising finding was related to affirmative feedback which demonstrated that participants most commonly received discrepancy feedback from professors whereby, their gaps in knowledge were highlighted. However, the results showed that this type of feedback did not have a detrimental effect on learners’ motivation. Finally, the students showed positive emotionality toward learning English with many emphasizing their love of the English language and the satisfaction gained by being engaged in goal directed behavior.
Abstract (croatian) Directed Motivational Currents (DMCs) su nastali kao pokušaj da se objasne intenzivni naleti motivacije koji omogućuju učenicima da dostignu ciljeve vezanje za usvajanje drugog jezika. DMCs potiču snažni okidači koji mogu biti različite prirode, a njihovo uspješno pokretanje ovisi o nizu uvjeta. Tri su glavne karakteristike DMCs, od kojih je prva orijentiranost ka krajnjem cilju (goal-orientedness). Učenici koji prolaze kroz DMCs orijentirani su ka jasno definiranom cilj uz koji dolazi i vizija idealizirane verzije sebe u budućnosti u kojoj je učenik dosegao svoj cilj. Nadalje, drugo obilježje DMCs je olakšavajuća struktura (salient facilitative structure) koja se sastoji od automatiziranih bihevioralnih rutina, kratkoročnih ciljeva i pozitivne povratne informacije. Treća komponenta karakteristična za DMCs je pozitivna emocionalnost (positive emotionality), odnosno užitak i zadovoljstvo koje učenik doživljava tijekom intenzivne motivacije, neovisno o tipu zadatka kojim se u datom trenutku bavi. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je opisati DMCs iskustva studenata druge godine anglistike na Sveučilištu u Zadru. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja provedeni su intervjui uporabom izmijenjene verzije upitnika kojeg je razvila Muir (2016) (DMC Disposition Questionnaire) kao i dodatnih pitanja baziranih na teoriji izloženoj u ovom radu. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da su spomenute ključne karakteristike prisutne u iskustvima ispitanika. Sudionici su doživjeli DMCs zahvaljujući različitim okidačima među kojima su najbrojniji bili okidači povezani s intrapersonalnim razlozima. Nadalje, istraživanje se fokusiralo i na balans između vještina koje sudionici posjeduju i izazova s kojima se još moraju suočiti te su rezultati pokazali da sudionici vjeruju u svoje sposobnosti, ali i da priznaju da ima prostora za napredak. Sudionici su zacrtali ciljeve uz koje su bile prisutne i vizije vezane za usvajanje drugog jezika kao i kratkoročni ciljevi te bihevioralne rutine. Neočekivani rezultat istraživanja bio je vezan za pozitivnu povratnu informaciju budući da je istraživanje pokazalo da su sudionici većinom bili izloženi negativnoj povratnoj informaciji od strane profesora kojom je istaknuto ono što studenti još moraju savladati. Međutim, takva vrsta povratne informacije nije imala negativan učinak na motivaciju sudionika. Na kraju, studenti su pokazali pozitivnu emocionalnost prema učenju engleskog te su mnogi od njih naglasili ljubav prema engleskom jeziku kao i zadovoljstvo zbog činjenice da su aktivno radili na ostvarenju svoga cilja.
Directed motivational currents (DMCs)
English language learning
university language students
Keywords (croatian)
Directed motivational currents (DMCs)
učenje engleskog jezika
studenti jezika
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:202481
Study programme Title: English Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Teaching, Research Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije engleskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije engleskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2022-10-13 12:55:48