Abstract | Monetarna politika je vrlo važan faktor svake zajednice te o njenom provođenju ovisi cjelokupno gospodarstvo. Važno je njeno pravodobno provođenje i donošenje odluka ovisno o trenutnom stanju u zajednici. Europska unija provodi monetarnu politiku putem Europske središnje banke za sve zemlje članice Eurozone koje su usvojile valutu euro, a primarni cilj je stabilnost cijena. Monetarnu i ekonomsku politiku EU provodi kroz tri faze, od kojih je treća još uvijek na snazi iz razloga što danas euro kao službenu valutu koristi 19 od 27 članica a tek onda kada kompletan broj članica budu imale postavljenu monetarnu politiku tako da im je euro jedina domaća valuta plaćanja u svojoj zemlji biti će izvršena zadaća treće faze. Republika Hrvatska je pristupila procesu uvođenja eura kao službene valute 10. srpnja 2020. godine, te bi uz ispunjene sve uvijete Europskog tečajnog mehanizma II (ERM II) trebala uvesti euro kao službenu valutu već prvog dana 2023. godine. Što se tiče Bankovne unije, ona je nastala nakon velike ekonomske globalne krize kako bi u budućnosti banke imale alate i instrumente u borbi protiv svih ekonomskih nedaća i problema. Banke tada jednostavno nisu bile spremne na tako tešku situaciju na tržištu te nisu imale pripremljene mehanizme kojima bi se obranile i sačuvale svoju stabilnost. Kako se u budućnosti ne bi ponavljao scenarij iz 2008. godine, osnovana je Bankovna unija koja se prema pisanju Hrvatske narodne banke „temelji na tri stupa: Jedinstvenom nadzornom mehanizmu, jedinstvenom sanacijskom mehanizmu te na Europskom sustavu osiguranja depozita.“ (HNB, https://www.hnb.hr/-/bankovna-unija-ostvarenja-i-izazovi, pristupljeno 1.6.2022.) |
Abstract (english) | Monetary policy is a very important factor in every community, and the entire economy depends on its implementation. It is important to implement it in a timely manner and make decisions depending on the current situation in the community. The European Union implements monetary policy through the European Central Bank for all Eurozone member countries that have adopted the euro currency, and the primary goal is price stability. The monetary and economic policy of the EU is carried out through three phases, the third of which is still in force due to the fact that today the euro is used as the official currency by 19 out of 27 member states, and only when the entire number of member states have set a monetary policy so that the euro is their only domestic currency currency of payment in your country will be completed task of the third stage. Republic of Croatia started the process of introducing the euro as the official currency on July 10, 2020, and should all the conditions of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism II (ERM II) be met, it should introduce the euro as the official currency already on the first day of 2023. As for the Banking Union, it was created after the great economic global crisis so that in the future banks would have the tools and instruments to fight against all economic adversities and problems. At that time, banks were simply not prepared for such a difficult situation on the market and did not have prepared mechanisms to defend themselves and preserve their stability. In order not to repeat the scenario from 2008 in the future, the Banking Union was established, which, according to the Croatian National Bank, "is based on three pillars: a single supervisory mechanism, a single recovery mechanism and the European Deposit Insurance System." (HNB, https: //www.hnb.hr/-/bankovna-unija-ostvarenja-i-izazovi, accessed on June 1, 2022) |