Title Modeli primjene društvenih medija u odnosima s javnošću
Title (english) Models of application social media in public relations
Author Bernarda Zupčić
Mentor Goran Pavelin (mentor)
Committee member Vesna Kalajžić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Pavelin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Ražnjević Zdrilić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2016-10-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Public Relations
Abstract U ovom završnom radu govorilo se o modelima primjene društvenih medija iz aspekta online odnosa s javnošću. Zanimalo nas je kako funkcioniraju društveni mediji kao alat i kanal djelatnosti odnosa s javnošću, te na koji način se vrši dvosmjerna komunikacija između javnosti i organizacije.
Za početak smo u prvom poglavlju rekli nešto više o odnosima s javnošću, definirali smo ih te ih podijelili u vrste. Nadalje smo govorili o modelima odnosa s javnošću kojeg su definirali i klasificirali Grunig
... More i Hunt – model tiskovnog agenta, model javnog informiranja, dvosmjerno-asimetričan model i dvosmjerno-simetričan model.. Bilo je riječ o reputaciji, imidžu i identitetu. Dali smo njihove definicije te napravili razliku među njima.
Kako bi spojili priču s društvenim medijima, morali smo prvo objasniti kakvu ulogu u današnjici društveni mediji imaju. Pa smo tako u trećem poglavlju pisali općenito o društvenim medijima, prikazali smo osnovne statistike i izdvojili ona četiri društvena medija koja smo kasnije i analizirali – Facebook, Twitter, YouTube i Instagram. Također smo izdvojili HoneyComb Framework, model Kietzmanna u kojem prikazuje sedam elemenata društvenih medija i stupanj uključenosti svakog od elemenata na određenoj društvenoj mreži.
Kao glavni predmet ovoga rada, izdvojili smo analizu društvenih medija kao kanala koji se primjenjuju u novim, online odnosima s javnošću. Pa smo tako prije same analize dali uvid u važnost društvenih medija u današnjem komuniciranju organizacije s javnošću. Uključili smo slučaj korporacije Samsung koja je prisutna na sve četiri navedene društvene mreže te smo analizirali njihov pristup k odnosima s javnošću putem društvenih medija.
Na kraju, zaključujemo rad s idejom kako organizacije možda ne bi trebale biti prisutne na puno društvenih mreža odjednom ako ne mogu redovito i ažurno sudjelovati na njima. Marketing i odnosi s javnošću trebaju ići ruku pod ruku, a ne izostajati jedno od drugog kao što to biva slučaj kod Samsunga na Instagramu i YouTubeu. Društveni mediji su novo lice odnosa s javnošću te zaključujemo kako svaka organizacija treba biti prisutna na njima i voditi kvalitetnu komunikaciju sa svojom javnošću putem istih. Less
Abstract (english) In this final assignment was said about the application of models of social media from the aspect of online public relations. We were interested in how the social media as a tool and channel affect on public relations, and how to perform two-way communication between the public and organization.
For starters, in the first chapter we said something more about public relations, we have defined them, and divided them into types. Furthermore, we talked about models of public relations which are
... More defined and classified by Grunig and Hunt - the model of the press agent, model of public information, two-way asymmetrical model and two-way symmetrical model. There is a reputation, image and identity. We gave their definitions and distinguish between them.
To connect the story with social media, we had to first explain what role in the present social media have. So we wrote in the third chapter, in general about social media, we show the basic statistics and singled out the four social media, which we later analyzed - Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. We were also talking about the „Honeycomb Framework“, model created by Kietzmann, which shows the seven elements of social media and the degree of involvement of each of the elements in a particular social network.
As the main subject of this paper, we have singled out the analysis of social media as a channel to be applied to new, online public relations. So we both prior to analysis provided insight into the importance of social media in todays communications organization with the public. We have included the case of Samsung Corporation, which is present in all four social networks, and we analyzed their approach to public relations through social media.
Finally, we have concluded the assignment with the idea of how the organization might should not be present on a lot of social networks at once, if not regularly and promptly attend to them. Marketing and public relations should go hand in hand, rather than skipping from one another as it becomes the case with Samsung on Instagram and YouTube. Social media is the new face of public relations and conclude that every organization needs to be present to them and keep high-quality communication with their public through them. Less
odnosi s javnošću
modeli odnosa s javnošću
društveni mediji
Keywords (english)
Public relations
models of public relations
social media
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:027189
Study programme Title: Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kulture i turizma (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kulture i turizma)
Type of resource Text
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Created on 2016-12-12 11:52:10