Title Procjena tjelesnog fitnesa djece predškolske i mlađe školske dobi
Title (english) Assessment in physical fitness of preschool and younger school age children
Author Ivana Doroteja Perica
Mentor Donata Vidaković Samaržija (mentor)
Committee member Jelena Alić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Gordana Ivković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Donata Vidaković Samaržija (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education) (Division of Elementary School Teacher Education) Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-11-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Abstract Da je kretanje djetetu potrebno nije strano. Upravo zbog sve veće modernizacije vremena u kojem živimo, odnosno sve učestalijim sjedilačkim načinom života, potrebno je već od najranije dobi poticati kretanje i djetetu dati do znanja koliko je tjelesna aktivnost važna. Djeca, u periodu do predškole svoje tjelesne aktivnosti provode uglavnom kroz igru. Upravo je razdoblje predškole te rane školske dobi ono kad se dijete okreće nekoj usmjerenoj tjelesnoj aktivnosti. No, da bi se dijete usmjerilo u pravi sport, potrebno je otkriti što mu najbolje odgovara. Upravo zato, tu su odgojitelji, odnosno učitelji koji bi trebali prepoznati potencijale djece s kojom rade. Da bi prepoznali te mogli dijete usmjeriti dalje u život, potrebno je dobro poznavati njegova kinantropološka obilježja, odnosno morfološka obilježja, njegove motoričke te funkcionalne sposobnosti. Osim metodom opservacije, primjenom odgovarajućih baterija testova mogu se procijeniti kinantropološka obilježja djece i učenika, te sukladno pretenzijama pojedinih sposobnosti usmjeriti u odgovarajuću aktivnost. Upravo je to i tema ovog diplomskog rada. U samu temu uvesti će se kroz definicije tjelesne aktivnosti i tjelesnog fitnesa, pisat će se o tome što spomenuto obuhvaća, analizirat će se kinantropološke značajke, te najčešći testovi putem kojih se mjere. Potom će se navesti baterije testova, odnosno njihove primarne značajke. Naposljetku će se tabelarnim prikazom pokušati objediniti opisani testovi, analizirat će se ključne komponente svakog testa koje se koriste u cijelom svijetu za procjenu tjelesnog fitnesa djece predškolske te rane školske dobi.
Abstract (english) It is not unknown that the movement of the child is necessary. Precisely because of the increasing modernization of the times in which we live, apropos, an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, it is necessary to encourage movement from an early age and let the child know how important physical activity is. Children, in the period before preschool, spend their physical activities mainly through play. It is precisely the period of preschool and early school age when the child turns to some more serious physical activity. However, in order to direct a child to the right sport, it is necessary to find out what suits him best. That is exactly why there are educators and teachers who should recognize the potential of the children they work with. In order to recognize and be able to direct the child further in life, it is necessary to have a good knowledge of his kinanthropological characteristics, morphological characteristics, his motor skills and functional ability. In addition to the observation method, the kinanthropological characteristics of children and students can be assessed by applying appropriate batteries of tests, and in accordance with the pretensions of individual abilities, they can be directed to the appropriate activity. This is exactly the topic of this thesis. The topic itself will be introduced through the definitions of physical activity and physical fitness, it will be written about what the aforementioned includes, kinanthropological features will be analyzed, and the most common tests that are used to measure. Then the battery of tests, or their primary features, will be listed. Finally, the table will analyze the key components of each test that are used all over the world to assess the physical fitness of preschool and early school-age children.
Tjelesni fitnes
tjelesna aktivnost
kinantropološka obilježja
baterije testova
Keywords (english)
Physical activity
physical fitness
kinantropological characteristics
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:874617
Study programme Title: Primary education Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-12-07 13:37:00