Title Važnost igre i stavovi odgojitelja prema igri
Title (english) The importance of children’s play and attitudes of preschool teachers according to children’s play
Author Jelena Žižić
Mentor Mira Klarin (mentor)
Committee member Violeta Valjan Vukić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Diana Nenadić Bilan (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mira Klarin (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education) (Division of Preschool Teacher Education) Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-11-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract Igra je fenomen djetinjstva te obilježava dječju kulturu. Dijete uživa u igri, zabavlja se, druži i samoinicijativno bira aktivnosti, ona je zapravo ogledalo djeteta.U igru dijete unosi sebe, svoju interpretaciju situacija, stvari i događaja. Igra je instinktivna, ona se sama dogodi, nepotrebno je postavljati pitanje kako nastaje, kako se razvija i koji su njezini učinci. Može se definirati kao aktivnost koju dijete bira samo, a posljedica je uživanja i zadovoljstva. Igra je biološki, psihološki i socijalno nužna te se razvija zajedno s djetetom. Samo dijete je radoznalo, ono je istraživač koji kroz igru razvija brojne vještine koje će mu biti od koristi kroz cijeli život.
Učenje kroz igru je praksa koju mnogi odgojitelji koriste u svom radu kako bi djecu na prirodan način potakli na izgradnju svoga znanja i razvoja samopouzdanja te da slijede vlastitu znatiželju. Dok istražuju brojne društvene i motoričke vještine, djeca kroz igru eksperimentiraju, otkrivaju i rješavaju probleme. Cilj istraživanja je ispitati u kojoj mjeri je kod djece prisutna slobodna igra inicirana s njihove strane i u kojoj mjeri odgojitelj dopušta i prepoznaje takvu igru i na koji način je uključen u nju. Slobodna igra je aktivnost koja nastaje neometano, nenametnuto od strane odraslih, igra o kojoj dijete razmišlja, nudi ideje, prijedloge i rješenja.
Metoda istraživanja je deskriptivna, koristila se kvalitativna obrada podataka, a kao tehnika prikupljanja podataka provela se anketa među odgojiteljima.
Abstract (english) Play is a phenomenon of childhood and characterizes children's culture. The child enjoys the game, having fun, socializes and chooses activities on his own initiative, play is actually a mirror of the child. The child brings himself into the game, his interpretation of situations, things and events. The game is instinctive, it happens by itself, it is unnecessary to ask how it is created, how it develops and what its effects are. It can be defined as an activity that the child chooses alone, and is a consequence of enjoyment and pleasure. Play is biologically, psychologically and socially necessary and develops together with the child. The child is curious, it is a researcher who develops many skills through play that will be useful to him throughout his life. Learning through play is a practice that many preschool teachers use in their work to encourage children in a natural way to build their knowledge and develop self-confidence and to follow their own curiosity. While exploring many social and motor skills, children experiment, discover and solve problems through play. The aim of the research is to examine the extent to which children have free play initiated by them and the extent to which the preschool teacher allows and recognizes such play and how he is involved in it. Free play is an activity that arises undisturbed, unobtrusively by adults, a game that child thinks about, offers ideas, suggestions and solutions. The research method is descriptive, qualitative data processing was used, and as a data collection technique was used a poll between preschool teachers and parents.
stavovi odgojitelja
Keywords (english)
attitudes of preschool teachers
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:841178
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study Program of Early and Pre-school Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
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Created on 2022-12-20 11:15:35