Title Estuariji rijeka u jadranskom slivu na području Republike Hrvatske
Title (english) Estuaries of the Adriatic basin in the Republic of Croatia
Author Nina Vitlov
Mentor Ivana Zubak Čižmek (mentor)
Committee member Anamarija Frankić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Zubak Čižmek (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Melita Mokos (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Ecology, Agronomy and Aquaculture) Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences
Abstract Estuariji su jedinstvena staništa; u njima organizmi nalaze hranu, mjesto za razmnožavanje te zaštitu od predatora. Glavni čimbenici o kojima ovisi živi svijet u estuariju su salinitet, sedimentacija te količina otopljenih nutrijenata. Salinitet je promjenjiv i ovisi o količini miješanja slatke i slane vode. Rijeke donose velike količine materijala te je najčešći tip sedimenta koji pokriva dno estuarija pijesak ili mulj. Promjene fizikalno-kemijskih čimbenika su česte te se mali broj organizama može u potpunosti prilagoditi. Neke od najvažnijih prilagodbi su sposobnost osmoregulacije i pričvršćivanja za meko dno. Mnogi organizmi se u nepovoljnim uvjetima zakopavaju u sediment ili otplivaju. Biljke na rubovima estuarija mogu pohraniti velike količine vode u tkivima ili izlučuju višak soli preko žlijezda. U estuariju se nalaze fotosintetski organizmi koji osiguravaju primarnu proizvodnju tokom cijele godine, a i rijekama se donose velike količine nutrijenata. Povećan unos nutrijenata u estuarij ima štete posljedice kao što su: hipoksija, anoksija, štetno cvjetanje algi te gubitak bioraznolikosti. Estuariji su područja pod velikim antropogenim utjecajem i eutrofikacija je često prisutna. Najveći doprinos eutrofikaciji estuarija imaju silicij, dušik i fosfor. Silicij koriste organizmi za izgradnju svoje ljušture. Fosfor se unosi kanalizacijom te poljoprivrednim sredstvima. Dušik može ulaziti kao nusprodukt pročišćavanja otpadnih voda, iz atmosfere te izravno rijekama. U Jadranskom moru nalazimo brojne zaljeve i visoko stratificirane krške estuarije, obogaćene anorganskim i organskim tvarima. Stvaraju ih krške rijeke u područjima gdje izmjena plime i oseke nije velika. Ti su ekosustavi jedinstveni po svojim obilježjima i karakteristični za krško obalno područje Republike Hrvatske te ih je potrebno proučavati kako bi se doprinijelo njihovoj učinkovitoj zaštiti i održivom korištenju.
Abstract (english) Estuaries are unique habitats where organisms can find food, a place to reproduce, and protection from predators. The main factors which affect the living world in the estuary are salinity, sedimentation, and dissolved nutrients. Salinity is variable and depends on the level of mixing of fresh and salt water. Rivers bring large amounts of material, and the most common types of sediments covering the bottom of the estuary are sand and silt. Changes in physicochemical factors are common, and few organisms can fully adapt. Some of the most important adjustments are the ability to osmoregulate and attach to the soft bottom. Many organisms bury themselves in sediment or swim away under unfavorable conditions. Plants at the edges of the estuary can store large amounts of water in their tissues or excrete excess salt through the salt glands. The estuary harbors photosynthetic organisms that ensure primary production throughout the year, with large amounts of nutrients being brought in by the rivers. Increased concentration of nutrients in the estuary has harmful consequences such as hypoxia, anoxia, harmful algae blooms, and biodiversity loss. Estuaries are areas under the significant anthropogenic influence, and eutrophication is often present. Silicon, nitrogen, and phosphorus have the most significant contribution to the eutrophication of estuaries. Organisms use silicon to build their shells. Phosphorus is introduced through sewage and agricultural products. Nitrogen can enter as a by-product of wastewater treatment or from the atmosphere. We find numerous bays and highly stratified karst estuaries in the Adriatic Sea, enriched with inorganic and organic substances. They are created by karst rivers in areas where the change of tides is not significant. These ecosystems are unique in their features and characteristic of the karst coastal area of the Republic of Croatia. They need to be studied to contribute to their adequate protection and sustainable use.
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Keywords (english)
Adriatic Sea
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:809097
Study programme Title: Underwater Science and Technology Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) podvodnih znanosti i tehnologija (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) podvodnih znanosti i tehnologija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-02-08 11:13:01