Title Kvalitativne promjene IQF smrznute jadranske srdele ulovljene u zimskom razdoblju
Title (english) Qualitative changes in IQF frozen Adriatic sardines caught trough winter period
Author Jakov Škafec
Mentor Bosiljka Mustać (mentor)
Mentor Lav Bavčević (komentor)
Committee member Ivan Župan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Bosiljka Mustać (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Bruna Petani (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Ecology, Agronomy and Aquaculture) Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Riblji proizvodi predstavljaju izuzetno važan segment u ljudskoj prehrani, što se očituje u razvoju riblje industrije koja pruža konzumentima širok spektar ribljih proizvoda. Kroz posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća ova prehrambena industrija doživjela je procvat prvenstveno u tehnološkom smislu što je vidljivo kroz razne nove tehnologije obrade ribe. Smrzavanje podrazumijeva složen postupak koji ukoliko se ne obavi pravilno pridonosi rapidnom propadanju hrane. Pravilno smrzavanje pospješuje očuvanje kvalitete ribe odnosno njenih nutritivnih vrijednosti. Kvaliteta ribe također ovisi o postupanju prije same procedure smrzavanja, kao i načinu skladištenja finalnog proizvoda. U ovom radu napravljena je komparacija kvalitativnih promjena za svježu srdelu skladištenu na temperaturi od 0 do 3°C i srdelu smrznutu IQF tehnologijom. Promjena kvalitativnih parametara se temeljila na promjeni kemijskih parametra poput promjene u mastima, bjelančevinama i vodi. Drugi dio rada bazirao se na mikrobiologiju, gdje je analiziran broj kolonija sulfitreducirajućih klostridija, Enterobacteriaceae i aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija. Nadalje, kako bi se utvrdila ispravnost same namirnice utvrđen je i stupanj oksidacije lipida pomoću tiobarbiturnog testa i peroksidnog broja. Također je napravljen i test kako bi se utvrdila količina histamina koja je potencijalno opasna za ljudsko zdravlje. Statistička obrada kemijskih i mikrobioloških parametara nije pokazala signifikantne promjene između svježeg uzorka i smrznutog uzorka srdele. Osim toga analizom tiobarbiturnog testa za svježu srdelu dokazana je značajna razlika malondialdehida u vremenskom periodu što implicira na određeni stupanj oksidacije lipida. Međutim, tiobarbiturnim testom za smrznutu srdelu nije ustanovljena signifikantna promjena malondialdehida što upućuje da ne postoji oksidacija lipida u uzorku srdele smrznute IQF tehnologijom. Peroksidni broj u svježim i smrznutim uzorcima ribe nije ukazao na značajnu razliku. Također, količina histamina u svježoj i u smrznutoj srdeli nije prikazala signifikantnu promjenu.
Abstract (english) Fish products represent an extremely important segment in the human diet, which is reflected in the development of the fish industry. Therefore providing consumers with a wide range of fish products. Over the last few decades, this food industry has flourished primarily in terms of technology, which is evident through various new fish processing technologies. Freezing is a complex process that, if not done properly, contributes to the rapid deterioration of food. Proper process helps with preservation of the quality of fish and its nutritional values. The quality of the fish also depends on the treatment before the freezing procedure itself, as well as the method of storage. In this paper, a comparison of qualitative changes was made for fresh sardine stored at a temperature of 0 to 3°C and sardine frozen with IQF technology. The change in qualitative parameters was based on a change in chemical parameters such as a change in fats, proteins and water. The second part of the paper was based on microbiology, where the number of colonies of sulfite-reducing clostridia, Enterobacteriaceae and aerobic mesophilic bacteria was analyzed. Furthermore, in order to determine the correctness of the food itself, the degree of lipid oxidation was determined using the thiobarbiturate test and the peroxide number. A test was also made to determine the amount of histamine that is potentially dangerous to human health. Statistical analysis of chemical and microbiological parameters did not show significant changes between the fresh sample and the frozen sample of sardine. In addition, the analysis of the thiobarbiturate test for fresh sardines proved a significant difference in the number of malondialdehyde over time, which implies a certain degree of lipid oxidation. However, the thiobarbiturate test for frozen sardine did not reveal a significant change in the number of malondialdehyde, which indicates that there is no lipid oxidation in the sample of sardine frozen by IQF technology. Peroxide number in fresh and frozen fish samples showed no significant difference. Also, the amount of histamine in fresh and frozen sardines did not show a significant change.
Riblji proizvodi
prehrambena industrija
kvaliteta ribe
IQF tehnologija smrzavanja
mikrobiološki sastav
kemijski sastav
oksidacija lipida
Keywords (english)
Fish products
food industry
fish quality
IQF freezing technology
microbiological composition
chemical composition
lipid oxidation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:211790
Study programme Title: Sustainable Management of Aquatic Ecosystems Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra održivog upravljanja vodenim ekosustavima (magistar/magistra održivog upravljanja vodenim ekosustavima)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-02-15 15:28:17