Abstract | Ovaj diplomski rad se bavi motivacijom u radu kod dvije skupine: studenti i radno aktivno stanovništvo. Problem ovog rada je nedovoljno spoznaja o motivaciji u radu studenata koji se tek uključuju na tržište rada u odnosu na radno aktivno stanovništvo, čija motivacija u profesionalnom razvoju se mijenja s obzirom na životne stadije, aspekte, prioritete, zaposlenje i status pojedinaca. Predmet je istražiti i analizirati strategije motiviranja zaposlenika u organizacijama te stavove studentske populacije i radno aktivnog stanovništva o motivaciji u radu s ciljem utvrđivanja mogućih razlika. Rad se sastoji od 5 definiranih ciljeva. Prvi cilj je utvrditi čimbenike motivacije i zadovoljstva zaposlenika u organizaciji kako bi se došlo do saznanja o strategijama motiviranja koje poduzeća provode te kakav je utjecaj provedbe na zaposlenike. Odnosno, uz pomoć primjera iz prakse je prikazano kako određena poduzeća svojim sustavom motiviranja povećavaju ili smanjuju zadovoljstvo pojedinaca u radnom okruženju poduzeća. Sljedeći cilj je utvrditi mogućnosti i ograničenja materijalnog i nematerijalnog motiviranja u organizacijama. Dakle, sustav motiviranja ima pozitivne i negativne strane. Prilikom provođenja sustava motiviranja može doći do negativnih ishoda poput nesuglasica, sukoba te nezadovoljstva klijenata koje proizlazi iz nezadovoljstva zaposlenika. Treći cilj je utvrditi stavove o motivaciji u radu studenata i radno aktivnog stanovništva kako bi se došlo do saznanja o potrebama i preferencijama važnim za motiviranje dvije navedene skupine te se time postiže i četvrti cilj. Peti cilj je predložiti daljnje načine motiviranja različitih skupina zaposlenika u organizacijama. S obzirom na rezultate istraživanja može se zaključiti da je za provedbu uspješnog sustava motiviranja potrebno uspostaviti sustav motiviranja temeljen na financijskim poticajima, osobnom razvoju, ugodnom radnom okruženju i preferencijama pojedinca. Prilikom provedbe navedenog sustava je potrebno pridati jednaku pažnju svakom pojedincu te imati uvid u njegov cjelokupni rezultat rada. Također je važno uspostaviti kvalitetan menadžerski tim kako bi se navedeni prijedlozi uspješno mogli provesti u praksi.
Teorije motivacije koje su definirane i analizirane uz primjere su: sadržajna, procesna te posebne teorije motivacije. One su također važne kako bi se razvile uspješne materijalne i nematerijalne strategije motiviranja. Materijalna strategija motiviranja se sastoji većinom od plaće, financijskih poticaja, bonusa u obliku božićnice i slično, korištenja automobila i kartice tvrtke kao i korištenja laptopa i mobitela tvrtke. Također u materijalnu strategiju spadaju i plaćene razne aktivnosti kao i plaćeni sistematski pregledi i ostalo. Nematerijalna strategija se sastoji od radnog okruženja zaposlenog, kulture, normi i pravila poduzeća, odnos nadređenog prema p toga dao se je teorijski pregled zadovoljstva zaposlenika u poduzećima koji je potkrijepljen primjerima iz prakse. Poduzeća čiji su se primjeri prikazali su Također je prikazano kako određena demografska obilježja utječu na zadovoljstvo zaposlenika. U okviru rada provedeno je primarno empirijsko istraživanje u obliku polustrukturiranog anketnog upitnika od 11 pitanja te se uz pomoć njihovih rezultata testiraju hipoteze koje su djelomično prihvaćene. Uz pomoć hipoteza se može zaključiti kako se stavovi u motivaciji na radu razlikuju između studentske populacije i radno aktivnog stanovništva. Također se stavovi razlikuju i s obzirom na demografska obilježja (dob, spol, razina obrazovanja) i radno iskustvo. S obzirom na navedeno, uz pomoć istraživanja se je dokazalo da se motivacija razlikuje s obzirom na aspekte života ispitanika. Na primjer, studentska populacija je više motivirana materijalnim elementima nego nematerijalnim te bi menadžeri trebali naglasak staviti na određene bonuse s obzirom na odrađen posao. Također se potrebno osvrnuti i na rezultate materijalne i nematerijalne motivacije s obzirom na razinu obrazovanja jer prikazuju dobar primjer različitih interesa dviju skupine. Dakle, ispitanike srednje razine obrazovanja više motiviraju materijalni elementi dok ispitanike višeg obrazovanja više motiviraju nematerijalni elementi. Iako menadžeri mogu grupirati zaposlenike s obzirom na njihove karakteristike, također je potrebno zapamtiti da se pojedinci unutar skupina mogu u određenoj mjeri razlikovati. |
Abstract (english) | This graduate thesis deals with work motivation among two groups: students and the working population. The problem of this paper is insufficient knowledge about the motivation in the work of students who are just entering the labor market compared to the working population, whose motivation in professional development changes with regard to life stages, aspects, priorities, employment and status of individuals. The subject is to investigate and analyze strategies for motivating employees in organizations and the attitudes of the student population and the working population on motivation at work with the aim of determining possible differences. The work consists of 5 defined goals. The first goal is to determine the motivation and satisfaction factors of employees in the organization in order to gain knowledge about the motivation strategies implemented by companies and the impact of implementation on employees. That is, with the help of examples from practice, it is shown how certain companies increase or decrease the satisfaction of individuals in the company's work environment with their motivation system. The next goal is to determine the possibilities and limitations of material and non-material motivation in organizations. So, the motivation system has positive and negative sides. During the implementation of the motivation system, there may be negative outcomes such as disagreements, conflicts and client dissatisfaction resulting from employee dissatisfaction. The third goal is to determine attitudes about motivation in the work of students and the working population in order to gain knowledge about the needs and preferences important for motivating the two groups mentioned, and thus the fourth goal is achieved. The fifth goal is to propose further ways of motivating different groups of employees in organizations. Considering the results of the research, it can be concluded that in order to implement a successful motivation system, it is necessary to establish a motivation system based on financial incentives, personal development, a pleasant working environment and individual preferences. When implementing the aforementioned system, it is necessary to pay equal attention to each individual and to have insight into his overall work result. It is also important to establish a quality management team so that the above proposals can be successfully put into practice. The theories of motivation that are defined and analyzed with examples are: content, process and special theories of motivation. They are also important in order to develop successful tangible and intangible motivational strategies. The material motivation strategy consists mostly of salary, financial incentives, bonuses in the form of Christmas money and the like, use of a car and a company card, as well as the use of a company laptop and cell phone. The material strategy also includes various paid activities as well as paid systematic reviews and others. The intangible strategy consists of the employee's working environment, the culture, norms and rules of the company, the superior's attitude towards the employees, respect for the superior's opinion and others. examples from the practice of companies such as DM, Valamar Riviera, Google, Johnson & Johnson and Apple are also presented. In addition, a theoretical overview of employee satisfaction in companies was given, supported by examples from practice. Companies whose examples were presented were Apple, Coca-Cola and Among Bank. It is also shown how certain demographic characteristics affect employee satisfaction. After that, primary empirical research is carried out in the form of a semi-structured questionnaire of 11 questions, and the accepted hypotheses are tested with the help of their results. With the help of hypotheses, it can be concluded that the attitudes in motivation at work differ between the student population and the working population. Attitudes also differ with regard to demographic characteristics (age, gender, level of education) and work experience. In view of the above, with the help of research, it has been proven that motivation differs with respect to aspects of the respondents' lives. For example, the student population is more motivated by material elements than by immaterial ones, so managers should emphasize certain bonuses based on the work done. It is also necessary to refer to the results of material and non-material motivation with regard to the level of education, because they show a good example of the different interests of the two groups. Thus, respondents with a medium level of education are more motivated by material elements, while respondents with higher education are more motivated by non-material elements. Although managers can group employees according to their characteristics, it is also important to remember that individuals within groups may differ to some extent. |