Abstract | Obitelj i brak teme su kojima se unutar pedagogijske znanosti posvećuje velika pažnja i pozornost, a razlog tome leži u opće prihvaćenom stajalištu kako je obitelj zajednica unutar koje ne samo da započinje odgoj, već i samo obrazovanje djece. Promjene struktura obitelji, koje su se kroz vrijeme događale, dovele su i do promjene i shvaćanja definicija braka općenito. Od tradicionalnog braka koji je uključivao isključivo odnos žene i muškarca i kasnije njihove uloge roditelja, došlo je do pojave novih, modernijih, oblika koji su doveli i do modernijih struktura obitelji. Upravo zbog navedenih promjena, cilj ovog diplomskog rada je dobiti uvid u to kako mladi danas, u dobi od 18 do 30 godina, definiraju i shvaćaju brak, ali i određene aspekte vezane uz njega. Unutar rada korištena je kvantitativna metodologija, a u tu je svrhu kreiran i anketni upitnik kojem je pristupilo 211 ispitanika. Upitnik je podijeljen na četiri tematske jedinice, a sveukupno se sastoji od 30 pitanja zatvorenog tipa putem kojih se nastojalo prikupiti odgovore na prethodno postavljene ciljeve i zadatke ovog istraživanja. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na to kako sve više mladih ljudi brak definira kao zajednicu dvoje ljudi, neovisno o spolu, koji se vole, no, isto tako, smatraju da sklapanje braka nije dokaz da se dvoje ljudi vole niti smatraju kako je brak nužan i potreban da bi osoba živjela sretniji i ispunjeniji život. Nadalje, sve više je prisutno mišljenje kako je prihvatljivo da par živi u izvanbračnoj zajednici, bilo da im ona služi kao prijelazna ili probna faza ili kao konačni oblik zajedničkog života unutar koje odgajaju svoju djecu. Naposljetku, kada je u pitanju spol partnera i sklapanje braka, sve više mladih smatra kako za sklapanje braka ne bi trebao biti važan spol partnera, već bi brak trebao biti isključivo zajednica dvoje ljudi koji se uistinu vole te da bi istospolni (homoseksualni) parovi trebali imati jednake mogućnosti po pitanju sklapanja braka i posvajanja djece kao i heteroseksualni parovi. |
Abstract (english) | Family and marriage are the topics that are often at the center of attention and interest in pedagogical sciences. The reason behind this lies in the generally accepted point of view that the family is the community inside of which begins not only the upbringing of children but also their education. Changes in family structures, which have occurred over time, have also led to a change and understanding of the definitions of marriage in general. Beginning with the traditional marriage, which included exclusively the relationship between a man and a woman and later their role as parents, to the new, more modern forms that emerged that also led to more modern family structures. Precisely because of these changes, this thesis aimed to gain insight into how young people between 18 and 30 define and understand marriage and certain related aspects. The paper uses quantitative methodology with a survey questionnaire created for that purpose, which was accessed by 211 respondents. The questionnaire splits into four thematic units, and it consists of 30 closed-ended questions in total through which we attempted to collect answers to the previously set goals and tasks of this research. The obtained results indicate that more and more young people define marriage as a union of two people, regardless of gender, who love each other however, they also believe that getting married is not proof that two people love each other, nor do they think that marriage is necessary for a person to live a happier and more fulfilled life. Furthermore, there is a trend of opinion that it is acceptable for a couple to live in an extramarital union, whether it serves them as a transitional or trial phase or as the final form of cohabitation in which they raise their children. Finally, when it comes to the gender of the partner and marriage, more and more young people believe that the gender of the partner should not be a decisive factor in getting married. In their opinion, marriage should only be the union of two people who love each other. There is also a prevailing view that same-sex (homosexual) couples should have the same opportunities to marry and adopt children as heterosexual couples. |