Title Sastav masnih kiselina u IQF smrznutoj jadranskoj srdeli u ovisnosti o vremenu skladištenja, ulovljenoj u zimskom razdoblju
Title (english) The composition of fatty acids in IQF frozen Adriatic sardines (Sardina pilchardus) depending on storage time, caught in the winter season
Author Karla Božin
Mentor Bosiljka Mustać (mentor)
Mentor Bruna Petani (komentor)
Committee member Slavica Čolak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Lav Bavčević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Bosiljka Mustać (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Ecology, Agronomy and Aquaculture) Zadar
Defense date and country 2023-03-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Prvi spomen ribolova na srdele u Republici Hrvatskoj datira iz 13. stoljeća, a ubrzo se i spominje njihova prerada. Glavni cilj prerade svježe ribe je produživanje roka trajanja uz zadržavanje kvalitete. Snižavanjem temperature i zamrzavanjem ribe se stvaraju nepovoljni uvjeti za život i aktivnost mikroorganizama i enzima. Mikrobiološkim ispitivanjem uzoraka svježe i smrznute srdele utvrđeno je kako su svi uzorci bili higijenski ispravni te bakterijsko djelovanje nije moglo utjecati na daljnju analizu srdele. Srdela (Sardina pilchardus) je među najbrojnijim i gospodarski najvažnijim vrstama riba u preradi. Srdela korištena u ovom istraživanju ulovljena je u zimskom periodu s prosječnom ukupnom količinom masti 1,46% ± 0,43%. Za postizanje IQF (individually quick frozen) smrznute srdele, potrebno je postrojenje za duboko smrzavanje na temperaturi od -35°C do -40°C i trajanje smrzavanja od 35 minuta za riblje filete i 40 minuta za očišćenu ribu. Prilikom smrzavanja, ribu je potrebno pravilno smrznuti kako bi stanične membrane ostale neoštećene te zadržale stanične sokove, čime se ribi omogućava zadržavanje svog okusa, sočnosti i mekoće. U procesu je jako bitno zadržati što bolju kvalitetu, odnosno što manje promjena u sastavu masnih kiselina zbog njihovog značaja u ljudskoj prehrani te pozitivnom utjecaju na prevenciju raznih bolesti.
Cilj ovog rada bio je usporediti sastav masnih kiselina između uzoraka srdele koja je skladištena kao svježa (0-3°C) i IQF smrznute srdele. Svrha rada bila je kvalitativno vrednovati sastav masnih kiselina u IQF smrznutoj srdeli kako bi se utvrdilo je li takav način prerade poželjan za očuvanje kvalitete prehrambenih ribljih proizvoda. Istraživanjem masno-kiselinskog sastava kod svježe i IQF smrznute srdele zabilježeno je različito ponašanje skupina masnih kiselina. Kad svježe i IQF smrznute srdele je primijećen pad količine suhe tvari, te porast količine udjela vode. Tijekom petodnevnog skladištenja srdele na 0-3°C zabilježen je porast zasićenih i mononezasićenih masnih kiselina dok su polinezasićene i visoko nezasićene vremenom opadale. Međutim, kod IQF smrznute srdele je, tijekom 120 dana skladištenja na niskim temperaturama, zabilježen porast svih skupina masnih kiselina.
Abstract (english) The first mention of sardine fishing in Croatia dates back to the 13th century, and their processing was soon mentioned as well. The main goal of fresh fish processing is to extend the shelf life while maintaining quality. By lowering the temperature and freezing the fish, unfavorable conditions are created for the life and activity of microorganisms and enzymes. During this research, microbiological testing of fresh and frozen sardine samples revealed that all samples were hygienically correct and that bacterial activity could not affect the further analysis of the sardine. Sardine (Sardina pilchardus) is among the economically most important fish in processing. Sardines that are used in this research were caught in the winter period with an average total fat content of 1.46% ± 0.43%. In order to achieve IQF (individually quick frozen) frozen sardine, a deep-freezing plant is required at a temperature of -35°C to -40°C and a freezing time of 35 minutes for fish fillets and 40 minutes for cleaned fish. When freezing, the fish must be properly frozen so that the cell membranes remain undamaged and retain the cell juices, which enables the fish to retain its taste, juiciness and softness. In the process, it is very important to maintain the best possible quality, that is, as few changes as possible in the composition of fatty acids due to their importance in human nutrition and their positive impact on the prevention of various diseases.
The aim of this paper was to compare the composition of fatty acids between sardine samples stored as fresh (0-3°C) and IQF frozen sardine. The purpose of the work was to qualitatively evaluate the composition of fatty acids in IQF frozen sardines in order to determine whether such a processing method is desirable for preserving the quality of food fish products. Research on the fatty acid composition of fresh and IQF frozen sardines revealed different behavior of fatty acid groups. When using fresh and IQF frozen sardines, a decrease in the amount of dry matter and an increase in the amount of water content was observed. During the five-day storage of sardines at 0-3°C, an increase in saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids was recorded, while polyunsaturated and highly unsaturated fatty acids decreased over time. However, with IQF frozen sardines, during 120 days of storage at low temperatures, an increase in all groups of fatty acids was recorded.
jadranska srdela
masne kiseline
prerada ribe
skladištenje ribe
prehrambeni proizvod
Keywords (english)
Adriatic sardines
fatty acids
fish processing
fish storage
food product
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:895873
Study programme Title: Sustainable Management of Aquatic Ecosystems Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra održivog upravljanja vodenim ekosustavima (magistar/magistra održivog upravljanja vodenim ekosustavima)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-04-17 15:42:59