Title Groteskno u dramama Mate Matišića i Ive Brešana
Title (english) Grotesque in the plays of Mate Matišić and Ivo Brešan
Author Petra Kotlar
Mentor Ana Gospić Županović (mentor)
Committee member Miranda Levanat Peričić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Gospić Županović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Petešić Šušak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Croatian Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2023-02-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract U ovome radu istražuju se groteskni elementi u dramama Mate Matišića i Ive Brešana. Odabrane drame (Anđeli Babilona, Svećenikova djeca; Hidrocentrala u Suhom dolu, Viđenje Isusa Krista u kasarni V.P. 2507) suvremene su hrvatske drame, zbog čega će u prvom dijelu rada biti izdvojene različite teorije groteske, zatim ponešto o poimanju groteske u umjetnosti, posebice u suvremenoj hrvatskoj drami šezdesetih (na kazališnoj sceni) i sedamdesetih (u pisanoj drami) godina dvadesetoga stoljeća te njihovu poveznicu. Uz navedeno, neizostavni, a ujedno i temeljni dio rada su i primjeri grotesknih elemenata (grotesknih situacija, likova, jezika) na temelju kojih se mogu zamijetiti sličnosti i razlike pri korištenju groteske kod Matišića i Brešana. Dok kod Brešana groteska proizlazi iz spoja tragičnoga i komičnog (pri čemu je nerijetko teško razlučiti jedne i druge elemente), karnevalizacije te karikaturalnosti i izobličenja, u Matišićevim dramama elementi komike postupno prelaze u groteskno. Međutim, različiti načini ostvarenja grotesknoga kod ove dvojice autora ipak dovode do jednakog rezultata, prožimanja njihovih drama grotesknim elementima zahvaljujući kojima se dodatno pojašnjavaju situacije koje se mogu zamijetiti i u svakodnevnom životu, ali su u djelima ipak ispunjena izobličenjima i karikaturalnošću.
Abstract (english) In this work are exploring grotesque elements in the plays of Mate Matišić and Ivo Brešan. Selected dramas (Angels of Babylon, Priest's children, Hydroelectric power station in Suhi dol, Vision of Jesus Christ in barrack V. P. 2507) are modern Croatian dramas and because of that fact in the first part of work will be presented various theories of grotesque, than something about the notion of grotesque in art, especially in modern Croatian drama in 1960s (at the theatre scene) and 1970s (in written drama), as well as their connection. Beside mentioned, indispensable and at the same time fundamental parts of this paper are examples of grotesque elements (grotesque situations, characters, language) on the bases of which we can notice similarities and differences in the use of grotesque by Matišić and Brešan. While in Brešan's work grotesque is a result of compound of tragic and comical (when you consider the fact that is difficult to distinguish between one and the other elements), carnivalization, caricatural elements and distortions, in Matišić's dramas elements of comedy gradually exceed into the grotesque. However, different ways of achieving grotesque by these two authors lead to the same result, pervasion their plays with grotesque elements (characters, situation, language), thanks to which situations that can be noticed in everyday life are additionally clarified, but in the dramas they are filled with distortions and caricatural elements.
suvremena hrvatska drama
Mate Matišić
Ivo Brešan
groteskni likovi
groteskne situacije
groteskni jezik
Keywords (english)
contemporary Croatian drama
Mate Matišić
Ivo Brešan
grotesque characters
grotesque situations
grotesque language
caricatural elements
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:627315
Study programme Title: Croatian Language and Literature; specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije hrvatskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije hrvatskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-05-15 13:41:05