Abstract | U ovom radu analizira se, s diskursa krajolika, širi prostor Runovića, naselja u Imotskoj krajini. Okosnicu ovoga rada čini pristup koji krajolik promatra kao tekst, odnosno dokument vrijedan čitanja. Krajolik kao takav u sebi krije brojna značenja i simboliku koju tek treba otkriti. Prilikom istraživanja, ključnu ulogu su imali Runovićani i njihov doživljaj prostora. U radu će biti riječ o runovićkom krajoliku kojeg je autorica proučavala s više aspekata - društvenoga, koji krajolik vidi kao prostor društvene komunikacije, gospodarskoga, prilikom čega se krajolik manifestira kao nepresušivi resurs nekoga kraja te mitološkoga uz pomoć kojega u krajoliku uočavamo tragove "drugoga" svijeta. Sukladno tome, u radu će biti riječi o Imotskome polju, s naglaskom na Otok, rijeci Matici te brdu Mračaju. Značajnu ulogu u ovakvim istraživanjima imaju i imena, pa je "čitanje" krajolika upotpunjeno proučavanjem nekolicine runovićkih toponima. U radu će biti riječ i o osjećaju za mjesto koji je neizbježan dio identiteta, kako onih Runovićana koji su ostali u zavičaju, tako i onih koji su migrirali u druge gradove i zemlje. Sukladno tome, u posljednjem dijelu radu biti će riječ o migracijama i iseljeničkim valovima koji su ostavili traga na današnjoj demografskoj, ali i gospodarskoj slici Runovića. |
Abstract (english) | This paper analyzes, from the discourse of the landscape, a wider area of Runovići, village within the region known as Imotska Krajina. The framework of this paper is based on the approach where landscape is viewed as text, consequently a document worth reading. But behind the landscape as such are many hidden significant meanings, which are yet to be discovered. During the research, the people of Runovići played a key role. To be more precise, this document contains various details about the landscape of Runovići. From the information given it is evident that the author studied this relationship from a number of different aspects - economic, during which the landscape manifests itself as inexhaustible resource of a region, the social, where the landscape is seen as a place of social communication, and finally the mythological, with the help of which we are able to identify traces of another world within the landscape. Subsequently, this paper will address the Imotski field, with special emphasis on the Otok, the river Matica and the mount Mračaj. In addition, the names play an important role in this type of research; therefore the "reading" of the landscape is complemented by careful studying of a few of Runovići toponyms. Also, sense of place is as equally important. In parallel, there is this question about feelings of people of Runovići for their hometown, for a place that made them who they are today. Coming from Runovići is a huge part of their identity, for both of those who remained in Runovići, and those who have migrated to other cities and countries. Therefore, the work will be very much focused on migration and immigrant waves which have left their mark on today's not just demographic, but economic image of Runovići as well. |