Title Cjelovita skrb trudnica s gestacijskim dijabetesom
Title (english) Complete care for pregnant women with gestational diabetes
Author Antea Simunić
Mentor Ivana Gusar (mentor)
Committee member Boris Dželalija (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Gusar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Ljubičić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Health Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2023-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Gestacijski dijabetes, odnosno dijabetes koji se prvi put dijagnosticira kod žena tijekom trudnoće, trenutno je najčešći metabolički poremećaj kod trudnica. Najčešće se javlja u drugom tromjesečju trudnoće i to kao direktna posljedica inzulinske rezistencije, čiji nastanak potenciraju hormoni prisutni u trudnoći, a koje stvara posteljica. Inzulinska rezistencija predstavlja poremećaj metabolizma glukoze kada dolazi do slabljenja perifernog učinka inzulina čija je glavna zadaća olakšanje
... More prijelaza glukoze iz krvi u ciljna tkiva. Navedeni poremećaj laboratorijski se očituje nastankom hiperglikemije. Proporcionalno s porastom razine glukoze povećava se i rizik od nastanka neželjenih ishoda. Navedeno može imati razne dugoročne posljedice za zdravlje kako za majku koja je oboljela od gestacijskog dijabetesa, tako i za njezino dijete. U svrhu prevencije posljedica, važno je da se poremećaj dijagnosticira što ranije te da se poduzmu sve potrebne preventivne i terapijske mjere. S obzirom na važnost medikamentnog, ali i nemedikamentnog pristupa u liječenju gestacijskog dijabetesa, potrebno je skrbi o trudnici pristupiti cjelovito i multidisciplinarno, što podrazumijeva zajednički rad i pristup različitog profesionalnog osoblja. Osim primjerene medikamentne terapije, adekvatnom nadzoru i kontroli bolesti pridonijet će i adekvatna terapija ishranom, kao i terapija fizičkom aktivnošću. Prehrana trudnice trebala bi biti raznolika, ali uravnotežena tako da sadrži pravilan omjer ugljikohidrata, bjelančevina i masti, a umjerena i redovita fizička aktivnost doprinijet će održavanju cirkulacije i pokretljivosti, te brojnim drugim benefitima tijekom trudnoće. S obzirom na učestalost gestacijskog dijabetesa i važnost cjelovitog zbrinjavanja trudnica s gestacijskim dijabetesom, cilj je ovoga završnog rada prikazati gestacijski dijabetes te potencijalne posljedice za trudnicu i dijete, kao i opisati metode medikamentnih i drugih metoda liječenja oboljelih trudnica, služeći se pritom stručnom literaturom i izvorima navedenima na kraju rada. Less
Abstract (english) Gestational diabetes, or diabetes that is first diagnosed in women during pregnancy, is currently the most common metabolic disorder in pregnant women. It most often occurs in the second trimester of pregnancy as a direct consequence of insulin resistence, the appearance of which is potentiated by the hormones present in pregnancy, which are created by the placenta. Insulin resistence is a disorder of glucose metabolism when the peripheral effect of insulin, the main task of which is
... More to facilitate the transfer of glucose from the blood to the target tissues, is weakened. The aforementioned disorder is manifested in the laboratory by the appearance of hyperglycemia. In proportion to the increase in glucose levels, the risk of unwanted outcomes which can have various long-term health consequences for both the mother suffering from gestational diabetes, and her child, also increases. In order to prevent the consequences, it is important to diagnose the disorder as early as possible and to take all necessary preventive and therapeutic measures. Given the importance of a medical and non-medical approach in the treatment of gestational diabetes, it is necessary to approach the care of pregnant women in a comprehensive and multidisciplinary manner, which implies joint work and the approach of different professional staff. Adequate medical therapy, adequate nutritional therapy and physical activity therapy will contribute to adequate monitoring and control of the condition. A pregnant woman’s diet should be varied, but balanced so that it contains the right ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and moderate and regular physical activity will contribute to maintaining circulation and mobility and many other benefits during pregnancy. Considering the frequency of gestational diabetes and the importance of comprehensive care for pregnant women with gestational diabetes, the goal of this paper is to present gestational diabetes and the possible consequences for the pregnant woman and child, and to describe the methods of medical treatment and other methods of treating pregnant women using professional papers and sources stated at the end of the paper. Less
gestacijski dijabetes
cjelovita skrb
Keywords (english)
gestational diabetes
comprehensive care
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:970011
Study programme Title: Undergraduate university nursing study Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) sestrinstva (sveučilišni prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-09-19 10:06:55