Title Utjecaj bromiranih usporivača gorenja na ljudsko zdravlje
Title (english) The influence of brominated flame retardants on human health
Author Barbara Bobanović
Mentor Jelena Čulin (mentor)
Mentor Marijana Matek Sarić (komentor)
Committee member Marija Ljubičić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Čulin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Gusar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Health Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2023-09-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Različitim načinima djelovanja te kroz značajan broj područja nastoji se utjecati na smanjenje opasnosti koje prijete ljudskoj civilizaciji. Sukladno činjenici da se svjetska populacija značajno povećava te da je gustoća naseljenosti pojedinih područja sve veća, opasnost od pojave požara jedna je od vrlo značajnih, na koju se svakako treba utjecati kako bi se izbjegle katastrofe većih razmjera. Pritom, u proizvodnji najčešće korištenih proizvoda tijekom povijesti su se koristili bromirani usporivači gorenja (engl. brominated flame retardants; BFR) kao spojevi koji su svojim djelovanjem značajno doprinijeli smanjenju rizika od zapaljenja pojedinih materijala i proizvoda. Međutim, njihova sposobnost koncentracije u okolišu, prehrambenom lancu i ljudskom organizmu te brojne toksikološke studije rezultirale su potrebom da se uvrste u Stockholmsku konvenciju o postojanim organskim onečišćujućim tvarima. Unatoč zabrani korištenja i ograničenjima u primjeni, BRF-i se još uvijek nalaze u okolišu, prehrambenom lancu i ljudskom organizmu te se smatraju nužnim edukacija i osvještavanje svih ranjivih odnosno rizičnih skupina na koje mogu negativno utjecati. Osnovni je to zadatak svih zdravstvenih djelatnika, a posebno medicinskih sestara i tehničara. Ipak, ističe se i smatra kako isti još uvijek ne raspolažu dovoljnim razinama znanja i relevantnim informacijama kako bi mogli preventivno djelovati na izloženost ranjivih skupina ovim spojevima, te provoditi edukacije istih. U radu se daje kratak prikaz strukture i svojstava najvažnijih BFR-a, te rezultati istraživanja utjecaja BFR-a na ljudsko zdravlje. Diskutira se i moguća uloga medicinskih sestara i tehničara u podizanju svjesnosti o ovom problemu i provedbi preventivnih mjera.
Abstract (english) Through various methods of action and through a significant number of areas, efforts are being made to reduce the dangers that threaten human civilization. In accordance with the fact that the world's population is increasing significantly and that the population density of certain areas is increasing, the danger of fire is one of the most significant, which must be influenced in order to avoid large-scale disasters. At the same time, brominated flame retardants (BFR) have been used in the production of the most commonly used products throughout history as compounds that significantly contributed to the reduction of the risk of ignition of certain materials and products. However, their ability to concentrate in the environment, the food chain and the human body and numerous toxicological studies resulted in the need to be included in the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. Despite the ban on use and restrictions on application, BRFs are still found in the environment, the food chain and the human body, and it is considered necessary to educate and raise awareness of all vulnerable or risk groups that can be negatively affected. This is the basic task of all healthcare workers, especially nurses and technicians. However, it is emphasized and considered that they still do not have sufficient levels of knowledge and relevant information to be able to act preventively on the exposure of vulnerable groups to these compounds, and to carry out their education. The paper gives a brief description of the structure and properties of the most important BFRs, as well as the results of research into the impact of BFRs on human health. The possible role of nurses and technicians in raising awareness of this problem and implementing preventive measures is also discussed.
Bromirani usporivači gorenja
ljudsko zdravlje
medicinske sestre i tehničari
Keywords (english)
Brominated flame retardants
human health
nurses and technicians
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:132888
Study programme Title: Undergraduate university nursing study Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) sestrinstva (sveučilišni prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-09-25 11:42:19