Abstract | Društveni mediji promijenili su način komuniciranja među populacijom, između ostalog i način na koji poduzeća promoviraju svoje proizvode i usluge. Sami potrošači imaju sada veći utjecaj, a njihovo mišljenje je postalo važnije nego ikad. Osim toga, društveni mediji kao takvi su vremenom otvorili nove mogućnosti oglašavanja, jedna od kojih je influencer marketing. Influenceri kao utjecajni pojedinci na društvenim medijima su postali izrazito popularni zbog svoje stalne publike i svog utjecaja na korisnike i njihovu odluku o kupnji. Poduzeća moraju pripaziti pri odabiru načina oglašavanja i pronalaženja novih načina komunikacije sa svojom ciljnom publikom. Prema tome, influencer marketing pokazao se kao vrlo efikasan oblik promocije, sukladno činjenici da influenceri imaju svoju stalnu bazu publike koja u njih ima povjerenja i osjeća se povezano s njima. Poduzeća prilikom suradnje s influencerima mogu doći do svoje ciljne publike na puno prirodniji i manje nametljiv način od klasičnog oglašavanja te svoj proizvod ili uslugu plasiraju na autentičan način. Kako bi promocija putem influencera, odnosno influencer marketinga bila uspješna, vrlo je važno pronaći odgovarajućeg influencera koji ima jednake vrijednosti, cilj i vizije kao i poduzeće koje ga angažira. Influenceri koji su bili predmet istraživanja u ovom radu preferiraju objavljivanje sadržaja u obliku fotografija na Instagramu te gotovo uvijek koriste oznaku lokacije na fotografijama. Često su zastupljene objave promotivnog karaktera, dok su informativne objave nešto rjeđe. Interakcija s pratiteljima je vrlo bitna u ovom tipu marketinga, stoga influenceri često postavljaju pitanja i traže interakciju svojih pratitelja, kako bi na taj način dobili više povratnih informacija i uvidjeli želje i potrebe svojih pratiteljima, odnosno ciljnog tržišta. Kod korištenja oznaka drugih korisnika, influenceri preferiraju oznake korisničkih profila turističkih agencija, hotelskih lanaca, resorta, ugostiteljskih objekata i slično, dok se skoro nikako ne koriste oznake korisničkih profila drugih fizičkih osoba, bilo da se radi o njihovim prijateljima, obitelji i slično, što predstavlja ozbiljnosti pristupu poslu i fokus na tematiku objavljenog sadržaja i promocije. Influenceri su vrlo uspješni u onome što rade, a to su prepoznali i dionici u turizmu koji ih sve češće angažiraju u svrhu promocije određenih turističkih destinacija, kao i promociji proizvoda ili usluga u turizmu. Sva tri influencera pružaju različite perspektive na turističke destinacije. Influenceri nude inspiraciju pratiteljima s različitim interesima i željama, omogućujući im da otkriju nove destinacije i doživljaje. |
Abstract (english) | Social media has changed the way of communication among the population and, among other things, the way companies promote their products and services. Consumers themselves now have more influence, and their opinion has become more important than ever. In addition, social media as such has opened up new advertising opportunities over time, one of which is influencer marketing. Influencers as influential individuals on social media have become extremely popular due to their constant audience and their influence on users and their purchasing decisions. Companies must be careful when choosing advertising methods and finding new ways of communicating with their target audience. Therefore, influencer marketing is proven to be a very effective form of promotion, according to the fact that influencers have their own permanent audience base that trusts them and feels connected to them. When cooperating with influencers, companies can reach their target audience in a much more natural and less intrusive way than classic advertising, as well as market their product or service in an authentic way. In order for promotion through influencers, i.e. influencer marketing, to be successful, it is very important to find a suitable influencer who has the same values, goals and visions as the company that hires him. Influencers who were the subject of research in this thesis prefer publishing content in the form of photos on Instagram and almost always use the location tag on photos. Posts of a promotional nature are often represented, while informative posts are somewhat rarer. Interaction with followers is very important in this type of marketing, therefore influencers often ask questions and try to get some interaction from their followers, in order to get more feedback and see the wants and needs of their followers, i.e. the target market. When using tags of other users, influencers prefer tags of user profiles of travel agencies, hotel chains, resorts, restaurants, etc., while tags of user profiles of other natural persons are almost never used, whether it is their friends, family and so on, which represents a serious approach to work and a focus on the topic of published content and promotion. Influencers are very successful in what they do, and this has been recognized by stakeholders in tourism, who increasingly hire them for the purpose of promoting certain tourist destinations, as well as promoting products or services in tourism. All influencers provide different perspectives on tourist destinations and offer inspiration to followers with different interests and desires, enabling them to discover new destinations and experiences. |