Title Diabetes mellitus: očne i kožne promjene
Title (english) Diabetes Mellitus: Ophthalmological and Skin Disorders
Author Darja Matešić
Mentor Samir Čanović (mentor)
Mentor Zrinjka Paštar (komentor)
Committee member Suzana Konjevoda (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Samir Čanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Klaudia Duka Glavor (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Health Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2023-10-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Dijabetes mellitus (DM) je bolest koja utječe na sposobnost tijela da proizvodi ili učinkovito koristi inzulin za kontrolu razine glukoze u krvi. Previše glukoze u krvi tijekom dužeg vremena može uzrokovati oštećenja u mnogim dijelovima tijela. DM može oštetiti srce, bubrege, kožu i krvne žile te tako oštećuje i male krvne žile u oku. Istraživanja pokazuju da se oko 90 % gubitka vida uzrokovanog dijabetesom može spriječiti. Rano otkrivanje je ključno. Bolesnicima s DM potrebni su godišnji
... More pregledi očiju i kože čak i prije nego što se pokažu znakovi i simptomi oštećenja. Dijabetička bolest oka izraz je za nekoliko problema s očima koji svi mogu biti posljedica dijabetesa. Dijabetička bolest oka najčešće uključuje dijabetičku retinopatiju, s posljedičnim gubitkom vida. DM je najčešća endokrinološka bolest od kojeg boluje 8,3 % stanovništva, a kožne promjene se vide u 79,2 % bolesnika s DM. Patogeneza se povezuje s hiperglikemijom i disfunkcijom inzulina, bilo izravno ili kroz oštećenja vaskularnog sustava, neurološkog ili imunološkog sustava. Kožne promjene kod DM se dijele na promjene u koje su vezane uz metaboličke, vaskularne, neurološke i imunološke abnormalnosti, promjene nepoznate etiologije u asocijaciji s DM, i glukagonom sindrom. sindrom. U prve navedene spadaju acantois nigricans, skleroderma diabeticorum, eruptivni xanthomi, bakterijske, gljivične infekcije, dijabetički ulkus. Kožne promjene u asocijaciji s DM nepoznate etiologije su nekrobiosis lipoidika, granuloma anulara, dijabetička dermopatija, stečene perforirajuće deramtoze. Obzirom na kompleksnost bolesti u postavljanju dijagnoza i terapiji sudjeluje multidisciplinarni tim i prikazati ćemo važnu ulogu medicinske sestre. Less
Abstract (english) DM is a disease that affects the body's ability to produce or effectively use insulin to control blood glucose levels. Too much glucose in the blood over a long period of time can cause damage in many parts of the body. DM can damage the heart, kidneys, skin and blood vessels, and it also damages the small blood vessels in the eye. Research shows that about 90% of vision loss caused by diabetes can be prevented. Early detection is key. People with diabetes need annual eye and skin exams
... More even before signs and symptoms of damage appear. Diabetic eye disease is a term for several eye problems that can all be a result of diabetes. Diabetic eye disease most often includes diabetic retinopathy, with consequent vision loss. DM is the most common endocrinological disease, which affects 8.3% of the population, and skin changes are seen in 79.2% of patients with DM. Pathogenesis is associated with hyperglycemia and insulin dysfunction, either directly or through damage to the vascular, neurological, or immune systems. Skin changes in DM are divided into changes related to metabolic, vascular, neurological and immunological abnormalities, changes of unknown etiology in association with diabetes mellitus, and glucagon syndrome. syndrome. The first mentioned include acantois nigricans, scleroderma diabeticorum, eruptive xanthomas, bacterial and fungal infections, diabetic ulcer. Skin changes in association with diabetes mellitus of unknown etiology are necrobiosis lipoidica, granuloma annulare, diabetic dermopathy, acquired perforating dermatoses. Considering the complexity of the disease, a multidisciplinary team participates in diagnosis and therapy, and we will show the important role of the nurse. Less
očne bolesti
Keywords (english)
eye diseases
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:041398
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra sestrinstva (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-10-24 16:31:43