Title Algoritamski pristup izradi bibliografija
Title (english) Algorithmic approach to contemporary bibliography generation
Author Jakov Marin Vežić
Mentor Krešimir Zauder (mentor)
Committee member Mirna Willer (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Krešimir Zauder (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Franjo Pehar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Information Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2016-10-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Library Science
Abstract Cilj diplomskog rada je algoritamskim pristupom ponuditi svestran i pristupačan sustav za poluautomatsku izradu bibliografija. Bibliografija je jedna od najstarijih djelatnosti knjižnične znanosti koja u današnjem digitalnom dobu nailazi na nove izazove radi mnoštva dostupnih bibliografskih informacija u raznim strukturiranim bibliografskim zapisima te kroz web sučelja baza podataka. Bibliografski podaci danas se javljaju u raznim formatima, čime se stvara problem pri izradi bibliografije, odnosno otežava pristupačna i brza izrada bibliografija. Uz navedeno, strukturirani digitalni podaci namijenjeni su prvenstveno kako bi bili strojno iskoristivi što pretpostavlja algoritamsko baratanje istima te dodatan razlog za temu diplomskog rada. Predloženi sustav za poluautomatsku izradu bibliografija uključuje mogućnosti: čitanja raznih formata za razmjenu bibliografskih metapodataka kao što su specijalizirani (npr. MARC, BibTeX, RIS) i općeniti (npr. XML, JSON) formati za razmjenu podataka, filtriranja učitanih zapisa prema nizu parametara (npr. godina izdavanja, izdavač, autor), grupiranja istih, definiranja stila navođenja te izvoza bibliografije u razne formate kao što su HTML, TXT, PDF i DOCX. Rad će također pružiti pregled relevantnih tema iz područja bibliografije kao i osvrt na važnost te prednosti i mane algoritamskog pristupa izradi bibliografija. Diplomski rad predstavlja napredak u suvremenoj bibliografskoj djelatnosti s naglaskom na korištenju i adaptaciji novih tehnologija kao i mogućnosti izrade svestranih računalnih alata koji su prilagođeni lokalnoj tradiciji i potrebama.
Abstract (english) Aim of the master thesis is to offer a versatile and accessible system for semi-automatic bibliography generation using algorithmic approach. Bibliography is one of the oldest activities of library science that is encountering new challenges in today's digital age as a result of a multitude of available bibliographic information in various structured bibliographic records and database web interfaces. Bibliographic data can be represented in many formats, which in turn creates problems during the process of creating a bibliography, making it difficult to approach bibliography creation in a fast and accessible way. In addition, structured digital data are meant primarily for machine reading which presupposes algorithmic handling, thus producing another motive for the master thesis. The proposed system for semi-automatic bibliography generation includes features for: reading various formats of bibliographic metadata, including specialized (MARC, BibTeX, RIS, etc.) and general (XML, JSON, etc.) formats; filtering of records according to user-specified parameters (e.g. date of publication, publisher, author, etc.); grouping of records according to user-specified parameters; defining a citation style and exporting the bibliography in formats such as HTML, TXT, PDF or DOCX. The thesis also discusses relevant bibliography topics and reviews the importance as well as advantages and disadvantages of algorithmic approach to bibliography generation. The master thesis represents an improvement in contemporary activity on bibliography with an emphasis on use and adaptation of new technologies as well as a possibility of creating versatile software tools tailored to local needs and tradition.
algoritamski pristup
bibliografska heuristika
bibliografski metapodaci
Keywords (english)
algorithmic approach
bibliography heuristics
bibliographic metadata
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:161047
Study programme Title: Library and Information Science Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra knjižničarstva (magistar/magistra knjižničarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-01-26 13:19:20