Title "Dioklecijanova palača"
Title (english) Diocletian's palace
Author Luce Šarić
Mentor Dražen Maršić (mentor)
Committee member Igor Borzić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Miletić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Maršić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Archaeology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2016-12-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Archeology Ancient Archeology
Abstract Dioklecijanova palača je jedna od najbolje sačuvanih spomenika rimskog graditeljstva na svijetu. Palača je smještena na južnoj obali splitskog poluotoka. Dao ju je sagraditi rimski car Dioklecijan, a pretpostavlja se da je početak njene izgradnje započeo 293. godine. Nakon napuštanja prijestolja 305.g., car se s obitelji preselio u nju te se vjeruje da je u njoj živio do kraja života i da je tu bio pokopan.Građevina je sagrađena od kamena s Brača, a ukrasni detalji kao sfinge, mramor i klesane dekoracije su donešeni iz Egipta, Italije i Grčke. Palača je sa sve četiri strane bila ograđena bedemom i kulama (četiri kvadratne i šest pravokutnih). Zdanju se pristupalo sa četiri ulaza. Tri su se nalazila s kopnene, a jedan s morske strane. Južna strana palače koja je okrenuta prema moru (nju je u Dioklecijanovo vrijeme zapljuskivalo more) imala je manje otvora nego istočna i zapadna strana koje su bile međusobno slične i bez ukrasa. Na sjevernoj strani nalazila su se glavna, dvostruka vrata. Palača je dvjema glavnim ulicama bila podijeljena na četiri dijela. Sjeverni dio palače bio je predviđen za carsku vojsku i poslugu, a južni za službene i vjerske namjene te za rezidencijalne potrebe cara i njegove obitelji. U južnom dijelu palače nalazila su se tri hrama, carski mauzolej, terme i carska rezidencija.Sredinom 7. st. u palaču se uselio dio izbjeglog stanovništva iz obližnje Salone. Njihovim dolaskom Dioklecijanova palača se pretvorila u grad Split koji se kasnije širio izvan bedema. Kasnije, tijekom čitavog srednjeg vijeka palača je postepeno mijenjala svoj izvorni izgled izgradnjom novih građevina unutar nje. Do danas, pojedini dijelovi palače su se dobro očuvali, a neki samo u temeljima. Zajedno s kasnijom srednjovjekovnom dogradnjom Dioklecijanova palača čini vrijedan arheološki i povijesno-umjetnički kompleks i zato je 1979. g. uvrštena u UNESCO-ov popis svjetske baštine.
Abstract (english) Diocletian's palace is one of the best preserved monuments of the Roman architecture on the world. The palace is located on the south coast of the Split peninsula. It was built by the roman emperor Diocletian. It is assumed that the building of it started in 293. After leaving the throne in 305 the emperor settled there with his family. It is believed that he continued to live in it until the end of his life and also that he was buried there.The building was made from the stone from the island Brač and the ornamental details such as sphinxes, marble and carved stone ornaments were brought from Egypt, Italy and Greece. With all four sides the palace was surrounded by walls and towers (four square and six rectangular). The building was approached with four gates. The three of them were on the mainland side and the fourth was reached from the sea. The southern side of the palace which was turned to the sea (in the Diocletian's time it was rising directly from the waters of the sea) had smaller openings than the eastern and western sides which were similar with no ornaments. On the northern side there was the main, double, doors. The palace was divided into four parts by the main roads. The northern part was intended for emperor's military and service purpose and southern part for official and religious purposes as well as for residential needs of the emperor and his family. In the southern part of the palace were three temples, the emperor's mausoleum, spa and the emperor's residence.In the middle of the seventh century a part of residents, who were refugees from the nearby Salona, settled the fortress/palace with their coming. Diocletian's palace turned to become a city of Split, which later spread out of the walls. Later during the whole medieval century, the palace gradually changed it's original appearance since the new buildings were being built inside. Until today some parts of the palace have been very well preserved, the only as based buildings. Together with the later medieval additional buildings, Diocletian's palace became valuable both archaeological and historical artistic complex and, for that reason, it was included into the UNESCO's list of the world's heritage in 1979.
Dioklecijanova palača
carski mauzolej
carska rezidencija
Keywords (english)
Diocletian's palace
the emperor's mausoleum
the emperor's residence
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:186710
Study programme Title: Archaeology Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) arheologije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) arheologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2017-02-02 10:31:00