Abstract | U ovom diplomskom radu kritički se obrađuje jedna od ključnih tema Descartesove filozofskemisli – odnos uma i zbilja u njegovoj teoriji spoznaje. U tu svrhu najprije se upoznajemosDescartesovom znanstvenom metodom te njezinim pravilima. Zatimpratimo njegovumetodičku sumnju koja se proteže od osjetilne stvarnosti do matematičkih ideja. Potomuočavamo kako on dolazi do prve izvjesne istine – isitne o vlastitom postojanju, a zatimi dodrugih sigurnih istina, poput one o postojanju Boga i postojanju materijalnog svijetateukazujemo na središnji problem Descartesove filozofije – problem odnosa uma i zbilje, odnosno razdvajanja misli i bitka. Na kraju donosimo Descartesovu teoriju o utjecajuslobodne volje na našu spoznaju i objašnjavamo razloge zbog kojih, prema Descartesovumišljenju, upadamo u zablude. Pri izradi ovog diplomskog rada korištena je filozofska analizatemeljnih Descartesovih tekstova: Metafizičke meditacije, Diskurs o metodi, Načela filozofijei Strasti duše, a kao pomoć u analizi ovih tekstova koristili smo se relevantnomsekundarnomliteraturom te filozofskom enciklopedijom Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. |
Abstract (english) | In this thesis, one of the key topics of Descartes' philosophical thought – his cognitive theory– is critically addressed. First, we are introduced to Descartes' scientific method and its rules. We then follow his methodic doubt, which extends from sensory reality to mathematical ideas. Furthermore, we observe how he arrives at the first certain truth – the truth about one's ownexistence, and then to other certain truths, such as the one about the existence of Godandtheexistence of the material world – and point to the central problem of Descartes' philosophy–the problem of the relationship between mind and reality, that is, the separation of thought andbeing. Finally, we present Descartes' theory about the influence of free will on our knowledgeand explain the reasons why, according to Descartes, we fall into delusions. The philosophical analysis of Descartes' fundamental texts – Meditations on First Philosophy, DiscourseonMethod, Principles of Philosophy, and Passions of the Soul – was used in writing this thesis, and, as an aid in the analysis of these texts, relevant secondary literature and the philosophical encyclopedia Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy were used. |