Title Kirurško liječenje vezikoureteralnog refluksa u dječjoj dobi
Title (english) Surgical treatment of vesicoureteral reflux in children
Author Lucija Nekić
Mentor Robert Karlo (mentor)
Committee member Ivan Bačić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Robert Karlo (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Sorić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Health Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2024-02-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Vezikoureteralni refluks jedna je od najčešćih bolesti mokraćnog sustava kod djece. Naziva se još i cistoureteralni refluks. Obilježava ga povratak mokraće iz mokraćnog mjehura u gornje dijelove mokraćnog sustava, to jest, u mokraćovod (ureter) i bubrežne kanale. Od njega oboli 1-2% zdrave djece. Češće obolijevaju djeca sklona infekcijama mokraćnog sustava te se također češće se dijagnosticira kod djevojčica. Svako oštećenje cistoureteralnog spoja pogoduje nastanku refluksa. Najčešći i najvažniji pokazatelj je urinarna infekcija. Glavni preduvjet za liječenje vezikoureteralnog refluksa kod djece je prepoznavanje poremećaja mokraćnog sustava. Dijagnosticira se mikcijskom cistografijom te ultrazvukom. Razlikujemo pet stupnjeva vezikoureteralnog refluksa o kojima ovisi i metoda liječenja. Postoje dvije metode liječenja. Konzervativno i kirurško. Konzervativno se odnosi na redovitu kontrolu i na antibiotsku profilaksu te se ono najčešće koristi kod prvog i drugog stupnja vezikoureteralnog refluksa. Kirurško liječenje može biti operacijsko ili endoskopsko. Primjenjuje se za liječenje trećeg, četvrtog i petog stupnja. Drugi stupanj refluksa se liječi kirurški samo ukoliko su infekcije mokraćnog sustava učestale te otporne na konzervativni način liječenja. Obje terapijske metode imaju zajednički cilj, a to je spriječiti oštećenje bubrega. Otvorene operacije su, u prošlosti, dugo bile zlatni standard liječenja vezikoureteralnog refluksa. Sada je zlatni standard endoskopsko liječenje. Takvim načinom liječenja se produžuje submukozni dio mokraćovoda, odnosno, stvara se antirefluksna valvula. Kod liječenja vezikoureteralnog refluksa, uz liječnika, iznimno važnu ulogu ima i medicinska sestra koja obavlja zdravstvenu njegu oboljelog djeteta tijekom cijele hospitalizacije. Priprema pacijente prije operacije, kako fizički tako i psihički, te skrbi o njima u poslijeoperacijskom razdoblju. U dogovoru sa liječnikom primjenjuje ordiniranu terapiju te rješava probleme iz područja zdravstvene njege.
Abstract (english) Vesicoureteral reflux is one of the most common diseasesof the urinary system in children. It is also called cystoureteral reflux. It is characterized by the return of urine from the bladder into the upper parts of the urinary system, that is, into the ureters and renal ducts. It affects 1- 2% of healthy children. Children prone to urinary tract infections get sick more often, and it is also diagnosed more often in girls. Any damage to the cystoureteral junction favors the development of reflux. The most common and most important indicator is a urinary infection. The main prerequisite for treatment is the recognition of urinary system disorders. It is diagnosed by micturition cystography and ultrasound. There are five degrees of vesicoureteral reflux, on which the treatment method depends. There are conservative and surgical methods of treatment. Conservative refers to continuous monitoring and antibiotic prophylaxis and it is most often applied in the first and second degree of reflux. Surgical treatment can be performed endoscopically or through classical surgery. It is used for the treatment of the third, fourth and fifth degree. The second stage is treated surgically only if urinary tract infections are frequent and resistant to conservative treatment. Both therapeutic methods have the same goal, which is to prevent kidney damage. In previous years, open surgery was the gold standard for the teatment of vesicoureteral reflux. Endoscopic treatment is now the gold standard. With this method, the submucosal part of the ureter is lengthened, that is, an antireflux valve is created. During the treatment, the nurse who takes care of the child during the entire hospitalization also plays an important role. She/he prepares the patient before surgery, both physically and mentally, and takes care of him in the postoperative period. In agreement with the doctor, she carries out prescribed therapy and solves problems in the field of health care.
vezikoureteralni refluks
kirurško liječenje
Keywords (english)
vesicoureteral reflux
surgical treatment
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:444846
Study programme Title: Undergraduate university nursing study Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-03-04 16:36:12