Abstract | Važnost ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja očituje se u tzv. novoj paradigmi djetinjstva nastaloj na postignućima hrvatske i svjetske teorije i prakse u području institucijskoga ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja te kurikuluma ranog odgoja. Temeljne postavke navedene paradigme ističu kako je djetinjstvo proces socijalne konstrukcije s obzirom da je dijete od samog rođenja socijalno biće koje u zajedničkim aktivnostima s drugom djecom i odraslima sukonstruira, reflektira i rekonstruira svoja znanja pri čemu nije pasivni konzument znanja već aktivni sudionik. Naposljetku, djetinjstvo predstavlja proces koji se kontekstualizira uvijek u relaciji s određenim prostorom, vremenom i kulturom (sociokonstruktivizam) te varira s obzirom na različitost uvjeta i kulture u kojima se događa. (Nacionalni kurikulum za rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje, 2014). Intenzivan napredak u znanosti i tehnologiji prouzročio je nužnost revidiranja europskih obrazovnih sustava kako bi se odgovorilo na izazove novog kompetitivnog gospodarstva (Yıldırım, 2020). Stoga se, uzimajući u obzir kulturološke a i druge društvene izazove naglašava nužnost usvajanja transverzalnih i temeljnih znanja i vještina iz područja prirodoslovlja, tehnologije, inženjerstva i matematike (STEM-Science,Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) od najranije dobi (Strategija odgoja i obrazovanja, 2014). Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analizirati zastupljenost STEM aktivnosti u dječjem vrtiću te ujedno otkriti i opisati mogućnosti i načine stvaranja suvremenog odgojnoobrazovnog konteksta usmjerenog ka poticanju i razvijanju STEM vještina. U istraživanju je korišten polustrukturirani intervju kojim je obuhvaćeno 20 odgojitelja DV Sunce Zadar. |
Abstract (english) | The importance of early and preschool education is particularly evident in the socalled “New Paradigm” of childhood, which was based on theoretical and practical achievements in the fields of institutional early and preschool education and early education curriculum, both in Croatia and worldwide. According to the fundamental principles of this paradigm, childhood is a process of social construction, and ever since their birth, children are social creatures who, during the activities with other children and adults, co-create, reflect and recreate their own knowledge, not as passive consumers, but as active participants. Finally, childhood is a process which is always contextualised with relation to a certain space, time and culture (social constructivism) and it varies depending on different conditions and cultures in which it occurs (The National Curriculum for Early and Preschool Education, 2014). Because of the rapid progress in science and technology, European educational systems need to be revised, as that would allow them to respond to challenges of a new competitive economy (Yıldırım, 2020). Therefore, taking various cultural and other social challenges into account, the importance of acquiring transversal and basic knowledge and skills in STEM fields (STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) from an early age has been in focus (Education Strategy, 2014). The aim of this research was to analyse the frequency of STEM activities in kindergarten, as well as to discover and describe possibilities and methods of creating a modern educational context that would be directed towards encouraging and developing STEM skills. The research was conducted using semi-structured interviews with 20 kindergarten teachers in Sunce Kindergarten in Zadar. |