Abstract | Ovaj diplomski rad donosi prikaz suvremene slike djeteta i djetinjstva u suvremenom mediju na primjeru platforme YouTube. Kvalitativnom analizom sadržaja obuhvaćen je predmet analize koji se odnosi na 5 najpopularnijih dječjih YouTube kanala u kojima participiraju djeca, a odabran je s obzirom na kriterij najvećeg broja pretplatnika. Istraživanjem se nastojala prikazati slika djeteta i djetinjstva u suvremenom mediju analizirajući pritom 50 videozapisa te identificirajući i interpretirajući odgojnosocijalizacijske i obrazovne elemente, također usmjeravajući se na dominantne teme te aktere videozapisa. Rezultati upućuju na to da suvremena slika djeteta i djetinjstva na primjeru YouTubea prikazuje djecu kao ‘male odrasle’ koji u vrlo ranoj dobi započinju svoju karijeru u ovoj popularnoj industriji te kroz prizmu zabave i dječje igre sudjeluju u marketinškom oglašavanju te ostvaruju vrlo visoku zaradu. Ipak, osim navedenih elemenata, analizom se dobiva da videozapisi obiluju i odgojno-socijalizacijskim elementima koji se odnose na promicanje prosocijalnih ponašanja te onim edukativnog tipa koji se odnose na podučavanje slova, brojeva, naziva životinja te higijenskih navika. Kao prevladavajuće teme u videozapisima prepoznaju se raspakiravanje igračaka, obiteljski izleti, aktivnosti na otvorenom, svađe oko igračaka, edukativne i zabavne dječje pjesmice te dječja igra kupnje i prodaje. U ulozi glavnih aktera svih videozapisa nalaze se djeca koji imaju ulogu edukatora i zabavljača u čemu im pomažu i roditelji čija je uloga osim zabavne više usmjerena prema odgojnoj i socijalizacijskoj. |
Abstract (english) | This graduate thesis presents a contemporary image of children and childhood in modern media using the example of the YouTube platform. The qualitative analysis of the content covers the subject of the analysis that refers to the 5 most popular children's YouTube channels in which children participate, and according to the criterion of the largest number of subscribers. The research tried to show the image of the child and childhood in the modern media, analyzing 50 videos and identifying and interpreting the educational-socialization and educational elements, also focusing on the dominant themes and actors of the videos. The results indicate that the contemporary image of children and childhood, on the example of YouTube, shows children as 'little adults' who start their careers in this popular industry at a very early age and through the prism of fun and children's games participate in marketing advertising and earn very high earnings. However, in addition to the aforementioned elements, the analysis shows that the videos also contain educational and socialization elements related to the promotion of prosocial behavior and educational elements related to teaching letters, numbers, animal names, and hygiene habits. Unpacking toys, family outings, outdoor activities, fighting over toys, educational and fun nursery rhymes, and a children's game of buying and selling are recognized as the predominant themes in the videos. In the role of the main actors of all the videos, there are children who play the role of educators and entertainers, in which they are also helped by their parents, whose role, in addition to entertainment, is more directed towards education and socialization. |