Abstract | U ovom radu prikazan je povijesni razvoj javnog školstva, njegov ustroj, kurikularna reforma i razvoj školstva u suvremenom okruženju u Republici Hrvatskoj. U njemu su također prikazani oblici suradnje između roditelja i škole, važnost partnerstva između obitelji, škole i lokalne zajednice te utjecaj pojedinih dionika odgojno-obrazovnog procesa na suradnju. U radu se ističe razlika između suradnje i partnerstva obitelji i škole. Provedenim empirijskim istraživanjem pomoću polustrukturiranog anketnog upitnika ispitani su stavovi različitih skupina dionika odgojno-obrazovnog procesa o trenutnoj suradnji između roditelja i škole, njihovu zadovoljstvu suradnjom i stavovi o mogućnostima njezina unapređenja. Istraživanje je pokazalo kako postoji statistički značajna razlika u stavovima o trenutnoj suradnji između roditelja i škole, u zadovoljstvu trenutnom suradnjom i u stavovima o mogućnostima njezina unaprjeđenja s obzirom na skupinu dionika kojoj ispitanici pripadaju. Isto tako, istraživanje je potvrdilo ključnu ulogu ravnatelja u unaprjeđenju suradnje između roditelja, škole i lokalne zajednice te pokazalo da su oni svjesni svoje ključne uloge. Iako je s temom suradnje između roditelja i škole upoznat jako mali broj ljudi odnosno samo oni koji se njome bave, istraživanje je pokazalo znatan napredak u pojedinim elementima suradnje u odnosu na prijašnja istraživanja. S obzirom na dobivene rezultate istraživanja, izneseni su prijedlozi za unaprjeđenje suradnje između roditelja i škole u RH. Znanstveni doprinos istraživanja je u poticanju ravnatelja i ostalih dionika odgojno-obrazovnog procesa na posvećivanje navedenoj temi koja je ključna za unaprjeđenje školstva u RH te motiviranju znanstvenika i stručnjaka na daljnja istraživanja o zadanoj temi. |
Abstract (english) | This thesis shows the historical development of public education, its structure, curriculum reform and the development of education in the modern environment in the Republic of Croatia. It also presents the forms of collaboration between parents and the school, the importance of partnership between the family, the school, and the local community, and the influence of individual participants in the educational process on their collaboration. The thesis highlights the difference between collaboration and partnership between the family and the school. The empirical survey that has been carried out among different groups of participants in the educational process using a semi-structured questionnaire has examined their views on the current collaboration between parents and the school, their satisfaction with the collaboration and their attitudes towards the possibilities of its improvement. The survey has shown that there is a statistically significant difference in the views on the current collaboration between parents and the school, in the satisfaction with the current collaboration, and in the attitudes towards the possibilities of its improvement regarding the group of participants to which the respondents belong. Furthermore, the research has confirmed the key role of principals in improving collaboration between parents, the school, and the local community. It has also shown that they are aware of their key role. Even though a small number of people are familiar with the topic of collaboration between parents and the school, that is, only those who are engaged in it, the survey has shown significant progress in certain elements of collaboration compared to previous research. Considering the results of the survey, suggestions have been made to improve the collaboration between parents and schools in the Republic of Croatia. The scientific contribution of the research is in encouraging principals and other participants in the educational process to engage in the above-mentioned topic, which is crucial for the improvement of education in the Republic of Croatia, as well as motivating scientists and experts to carry out further research on the given topic. |