Abstract | Teorija odraslosti u nastajanju (Arnett, 2000) opisuje distinktivni razvojni period između osamnaeste i tridesete godine kao vrijeme produljenog istraživanja identiteta, eksperimentiranja, usmjerenosti na sebe, doživljaja nestabilnosti te osjećaja „u sredini“. Tranzicijska priroda ovog perioda ogleda se i u ambivalentnom subjektivnom statusu odraslosti (Nelson i Barry, 2005), dok razvojni zadaci stavljaju pred mlade izazove koji mogu imati značajne veze sa njihovim samopoštovanjem, prosperitetom i razinom percipirane stresnosti. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos između različitih demografskih varijabli te identifikacije sa pojedinim obilježjima odraslosti u nastajanju i subjektivnog osjećaja odraslosti te utvrditi prediktivni doprinos pojedinih dimenzija odraslosti u nastajanju u objašnjenju percipiranog stresa, samopoštovanja i prosperiteta osoba u dobi od osamnaest do trideset godina. Ukupno 273 osobe prosječne dobi 23.3 godine, od kojih su 204 bile žene, a 69 muškarci, sudjelovali su u istraživanju ispunjavanjem online obrasca sa Inventarom dimenzija odraslosti u nastajanju (Reifman i sur., 2007), mjerom subjektivnog osjećaja odraslosti (Arnett, 1997), Ljestvicom percipiranog stresa (Cohen i sur., 1983), Rosenbergovom skalom samopoštovanja (Rosenberg, 1965) te Skalom prosperiteta (Diener i sur., 2010). Utvrđene su značajne razlike u izraženosti pojedinih dimenzija odraslosti u nastajanju obzirom na spol, dob, studentski, radni i partnerski status sudionika. Vezano za subjektivni status odraslosti, potpuno odraslima se u većoj izjašnjavaju zaposlene nego li nezaposlene osobe, dok se ne odraslima izjasnilo značajno više samaca nego li pojedinaca koji su u partnerskom odnosu. Nestabilnost je utvrđena kao pozitivan, a usmjerenost na sebe kao negativan prediktor percipirane stresnosti. Razinu samopoštovanja pozitivno predviđa razina usmjerenosti na sebe, a negativno razina nestabilnosti. Razinu prosperiteta pozitivno predviđa razina usmjerenosti na sebe, a negativno razina nestabilnosti i osjećaj „u sredini“. |
Abstract (english) | The emerging adulthood theory (Arnett, 2000) describes a distinctive developmental period between the ages of eighteen and thirty as a time of extended identity exploration, experimentation, self-focus, instability and feeling "in-between". Transitional nature of this period is reflected in the ambivalent subjective status of adulthood (Arnett, 1997), while developmental tasks present young people with challenges that may have significant connections with their self-esteem, flourishing, and level of perceived stress. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the relationship between different demographic variables and identification with dimensions of emerging adulthood and the subjective feeling of adulthood, as well as to determine the role of dimensions of emerging adulthood in predicting levels of stress, self-esteem and flourishing among people between the ages of eighteen and thirty. A total of 273 people with an average age of 23.3 years, of whom 204 were women and 69 were men, participated in the study by filling out an online form with the Inventory of Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood (Reifman et al., 2007), subjective sense of adulthood (Arnett, 1997), the Perceived stress scale (Cohen et al., 1983), Rosenberg's self-esteem scale (Rosenberg, 1965) and the Flourishing scale (Diener et al., 2010). Significant differences were found in the expression of certain dimensions of emerging adulthood with regard to gender, age, student status, employment and relationship status of the participants. Regarding the subjective status of adulthood, employed individuals were more likely than the unemployed individuals to consider themselves as audluts, while significantly more single individuals, than the ones who are in a relathionship, considered themselves as not fully adult. Instability was determined as a positive and self-focus as a negative predictor of perceived stress. The level of self-esteem was positively predicted by the level of self-focus, and negatively predicted by the level of instability. The level of flourishing was positively predicted by the level of self-focus, and negatively predicted by the level of instability and feeling „in-between“. |