Title Strategije upravljanja rizicima u boutique hotelijerstvu
Title (english) Strategies in boutique hotel industry
Author Petra Smrkinić
Mentor Anita Peša (mentor)
Committee member Jurica Bosna (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sonja Brlečić Valčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Peša (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Economics) Zadar
Defense date and country 2024-06-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Tema ovog diplomskog rada je istraživanje strategija upravljanja rizicima u boutique hotelijerstvu, specifičnom sektoru turističke industrije poznatom po luksuzu, personaliziranom pristupu gostima i autentičnom doživljaju. Cilj istraživanja je ocijeniti učinkovitost trenutnih strategija upravljanja rizicima te njihov utjecaj na operativne performanse boutique hotela. Rad identificira ključne unutarnje i vanjske rizike, kao i one pravne, financijske, operativne, reputacijske i rizike povezane s ljudskim resursima. Na temelju analize trendova u poslovanju boutique hotela, vidjet će se kako trendovi mogu utjecati ili utječu na poslovanje boutique hotela te kako se marketing plasira i koja je njegova uloga u strateškom planiraju. Za kraj trećeg poglavlja obratit će se pažnja na percepciju menadžmenta i gostiju o učinkovitosti dosadanjih strategija, dok će SWOT analiza identificirat snage, slabosti, prilike i prijetnje koje utječu na poslovanje boutique hotela u Hrvatskoj, ali i vani. Cilj ove analize bit će prikazati trenutni položaj na tržištu te koje su to prilike za novi početak. Potom će se rad dotaknuti elemenata marketing miksa na primjeru izabranog promatranog poduzeća. Istraživanje također pruža preporuke za poboljšanje trenutnih praksi upravljanja rizicima, a sve kako bi se povećala otpornost boutique hotela na buduće izazove i osigurala dugoročna održivost. Posljednje poglavlje bavi se obradom važnosti ljudskih resursa u hotelijerstvu te koliki rizik treba očekivati i planirati kada su ovi resursi u pitanju.
Abstract (english) The topic of this thesis is the research of risk management strategies in boutique hospitality, a specific sector of the tourism industry known for luxury, personalized guest approach, and authentic experience. The aim of the research is to evaluate the effectiveness of current risk management strategies and explore their impact on the operational performance of boutique hotels. The thesis identifies key internal and external risks, as well as legal, financial, operational, reputational, and human resources-related risks. Based on the analysis of trends in the boutique hotel business, the research will show how these trends can influence or are influencing the operation of boutique hotels and how marketing is positioned and its role in strategic planning. At the end of the third chapter, attention will also be given to the perceptions of management and guests regarding the effectiveness of the strategies employed so far. A SWOT analysis identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that impact the operation of boutique hotels in Croatia and abroad. The aim of this analysis is to present the current market position and identify opportunities for a new beginning. Furthermore, the thesis will address the elements of the marketing mix using the example of a selected observed company. The research also provides recommendations for improving current risk management practices, with the goal of increasing the resilience of boutique hotels to future challenges and ensuring long-term sustainability. The final chapter deals with the importance of human resources in the hospitality industry and the level of risk that should be expected and planned for concerning these resources.
Strategije upravljanja rizikom
boutique hotelijerstvo
analiza rizika
SWOT analiza
marketing miks
inovativne strategije
ljudski resursi
Keywords (english)
Risk Management Strategies
Boutique Hospitality
Risk Analysis
SWOT Analysis
Marketing Mix
Innovative Strategies
Human Resources
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:520499
Study programme Title: Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra ekonomije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-07-10 13:22:50