Title Opus slikara Ivana Petrova iz Milana
Title (english) The Oeuvre of Painter Giovanni di Pietro from Milan
Author Ana Mataija
Mentor Đurđina Lakošeljac (mentor)
Committee member Ivan Josipović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Đurđina Lakošeljac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikola Zmijarević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of History of Art) Zadar
Defense date and country 2024-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History of Art
Abstract Ivan Petrov iz Milana bio je kasnogotički slikar koji se u Dalmaciji prvi put spominje 1429. godine. Smatra se ključnim nositeljem novih likovnih strujanja u Dalmaciji tijekom druge četvrtine 15. stoljeća te jednim od glavnih predstavnika internacionalne gotike. Ivanova suradnja sa splitskim slikarom Dujmom Marinovim Vučkovićem prilikom izvedbe fresaka na svodu kapele sv. Dujma u splitskoj katedrali, rezultirala je određenim problemima u pokušajima identifikacije i razlučivanju opusa dvojice majstora. Iako se s tim ne slažu svi istraživači, čini se da je Ivan Petrov iz Milana bio dominantnija slikarska ličnost u izradi spomenutih fresaka. Zbog toga je uz njega moguće vezati kvalitetniji opus, koji obuhvaća freske na svodu kapele sv. Dujma, oslik i pozlatu kipova s letnera zadarske katedrale, Ugljanski poliptih, Imago pietatis s poliptiha iz Luke na Dugom otoku te Bogorodicu koja doji Dijete iz samostana sv. Marije u Zadru. S Ivanom Petrovim moguće je povezati i četiri djela upitne atribucije, koja pokazuju zajedničke formalno-stilske elemente s ostalim radovima iz slikarova opusa. Riječ je o dijelovima poliptiha s četvoricom svetaca iz privatne kolekcije u Švicarskoj, Bogorodici s Djetetom u zamku Wawel u Krakovu, freskama u južnoj apsidi crkve sv. Krševana u Zadru te dijelovima poliptiha u petrogradskom Ermitažu. S druge strane, minijatura u matrikuli bratovštine sv. Staša u Splitu sadrži likovne elemente koji upućuju na potencijalno izvorište ili ugledanje na slikarstvo navedenog slikara.
Abstract (english) Giovanni di Pietro from Milan was a late Gothic painter who was first mentioned in Dalmatia in 1429. He is considered a key figure in introducing new artistic trends in Dalmatia during the second quarter of the 15th century and one of the main representatives of International Gothic. Giovanni's collaboration with Split-based painter Dujam Marinov Vučković during the execution of the frescoes on the vault of the Chapel of St. Domnius in Split Cathedral led to some difficulties in identifying and distinguishing the works of the two masters. Although not all researchers agree, it appears that Giovanni di Pietro from Milan was more dominant artistic figure in the creation of these frescoes. As a result, he is credited with a higher quality oeuvre, which includes the frescoes on the vault of the Chapel of St. Domnius, the painting and gilding of statues from the choir screen of Zadar Cathedral, the Ugljan polyptych, the Imago pietatis from the polyptych in Luka on Dugi Otok, and the Virgin Nursing the Child from the Monastery of St. Mary in Zadar. Four works of uncertain attribution, which share formal and stylistic elements with other works from the painter's oeuvre, can also be associated with Giovanni di Pietro. These include parts of a polyptych featuring four saints from a private collection in Switzerland, the Virgin and Child at Wawel Castle in Kraków, frescoes in the southern apse of the Church of St. Chrysogonus in Zadar, and parts of a polyptych in the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. A miniature in the matricula of St. Anastasius in Split contains artistic elements that suggest a potential source of inspiration or influence from the works of this painter.
Ivan Petrov iz Milana
gotičko slikarstvo
15. stoljeće
Dujam Marinov Vučković
Keywords (english)
Giovanni di Pietro from Milan
gothic painting
15th century
Dujam Marinov Vučković
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:782490
Study programme Title: History of Art Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea)povijesti umjetnosti (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea)povijesti umjetnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-09-24 11:58:32