Abstract | Posvojne zamjenice služe za pojašnjenje pripada li nešto govornoj, sugovornoj ili negovornoj osobi te se definiraju prema licima. U dijelu rada u kojemu se raspravlja o teoriji pažnja je na početku posvećena vrstama riječi od kojih sve polazi, zatim općenito zamjenicama te na kraju posvojnim zamjenicama i njihovoj sklonidbi. Drugi dio rada temeljen je na provedenom istraživanju o posvojnim zamjenicama. Upitniku je pristupilo 106 ispitanika, a prikupljeni su odgovori raščlanjeni s obzirom na razinu obrazovanja te materinsko narječje. Upitnik je sadržavao dva tipa zadatka te se svaki zadatak sastojao od deset rečenica. Na kraju su prikazani rezultati svih ispitanika te se uvidjelo koji su zadatak ispitanici bolje riješili, a koji su im primjeri predstavljali problem. Cilj istraživanja bio je prosuditi poznaju li ispitanici normu hrvatskoga standardnog jezika i služe li se njome. Svrha istraživanja bila je uvidjeti najčešće pogreške ispitanika pri uporabi posvojnih zamjenica. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da su ispitanici uspješniji bili u drugome zadatku u kojemu su birali jedan od dva ponuđena odgovora, nego u prvome zadatku u kojemu su sami morali nadopuniti traženi oblik posvojne zamjenice. Iako su bili uspješniji u drugome zadatku, ukupni rezultati istraživanja poražavajući su te dokazuju da vrlo malo ispitanika poznaje normu hrvatskoga standardnog jezika. Stoga bi pri oblikovanju kurikula trebalo voditi računa o zastupljenosti jezičnih sadržaja ne samo na prijamnoj nego i na proizvodnoj razini te povećati broj sati posvećenih pisanom izražavanju. |
Abstract (english) | Possessive pronouns are used to clarify whether something belongs to the speaking, conversational or non-speaking person and are defined according to persons. In the part of the paper where the theory is discussed, attention is firstly devoted to the types of words from which everything starts, then to pronouns in general, and finally to possessive pronouns and their declension. The second part of the paper is based on the conducted research on possessive pronouns. The questionnaire was answered by 106 respondents, and the collected answers were broken down with regard to the level of education and the native dialect. The questionnaire contained two types of tasks and each task consisted of ten sentences. At the end, the results of all respondents were presented, and it became clear which task the respondents solved better, and which examples were a problem for them. The goal of the research was to judge whether the respondents know the norm of the Croatian standard language and whether they use it. The purpose of the research was to see the most common errors of respondents when using possessive pronouns. The results of the research showed that the respondents were more successful in the second task, in which they chose one of the two offered answers, than in the first task, in which they themselves had to complete the required form of the possessive pronoun. Although they were more successful in the second task, the overall results of the research are devastating and prove that very few respondents know the norm of the Croatian standard language. Therefore, when designing the curriculum, one should take into account the representation of language content not only at the reception level, but also at the production level, and increase the number of hours devoted to written expression. |