Title Odgojni postupci razvedenih roditelja i roditelja u braku
Title (english) Parenting Practices of Divorced Parents and Parents in Marriage
Author Jelena Žunić
Mentor Rozana Petani (mentor)
Committee member Jasmina Vrkić Dimić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Matilda Karamatić Brčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Rozana Petani (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Pedagogy) Zadar
Defense date and country 2024-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Family Pedagogy
Abstract Ovaj diplomski rad na temu odgojnih postupaka rastavljenih roditelja i roditelja u braku ima za cilj dublje pojasniti i interpretirati odgojne postupke te objasniti razliku u odgojnim postupcima koje koriste rastavljeni roditelji i roditelji u braku. Uzorak istraživanja sačinjavalo je 9 sugovornika, od toga je 5 sugovornika u bračnoj zajednici, dok su četiri sugovornika rastavljena. Metoda odabrana za istraživanje navedene tematike jesu polustrukturirani intervjui. Odgojni postupci kao i teme dobivene iz intervjua svrstale su se u odgojne postupke omogućavanja, poticanja, prisiljavanja, sprečavanja i prekidanja. Rezultati pokazuju kako postoje određene razlike u postupcima odgajanja kod rastavljenih roditelja i roditelja u braku. Ono što im je zajedničko jest način kako uče djecu nečem novom, a to su primjeri i verbalni naputci. Također, zajednički su im stavovi o podmićivanju kao odgojnom postupku, gdje ga svi koriste na jedan način svjesni koliko to nije poželjan odgojni postupak za ukloniti nepoželjno ponašanje ili poduprijeti poželjno. Uz to, i jedni i drugi izbjegavaju materijalne nagrade kao odgovor na poželjno ponašanje te se fokusiraju na pohvale i zahvale. Što se tiče razlika u odgojnim postupcima, roditelji koji su u braku sigurniji su u sposobnosti svoje djece od roditelja koji su rastavljeni te su slobodniji pustiti dijete u suočavanju sa preprekom bez pomaganja od rastavljenih roditelja. Ono što im je još jedna od važnijih razlika jest djetetov ograničen izbor, gdje se rastavljeni roditelji djetetu ne miješaju u njihove izbore i stavove, dok su roditelji u braku privrženiji tome da djeca budu nalik njima te da imaju sličnija mišljenja i stavove kao oni.
Abstract (english) This graduate thesis on the topic of parenting practices of divorced and married parents aims to clarify and interpret educational procedures in depth and to explain the difference in parenting practices used by divorced and married parents. The research sample consisted of nine interlocutors, of which five interlocutors were married, while four interlocutors were divorced. The method chosen for the research of mentioned topic are semi-structured interviews. The parenting practices as well as the topics obtained from the interviews were classified into the educational procedures such as enabling, encouraging, forcing, preventing and interrupting. The results show that there are certain differences in parenting procedures for divorced and married parents. What they have in common is the way they teach children something new, with the help of real life examples and verbal instructions. Also, they have common views on bribery as an educational procedure, where they all use it in one way, aware of how undesirable it is as an educational procedure to eliminate undesirable behavior or support desirable ones. In addition, both avoid material rewards in response to desirable behavior and focus on praise and thankfulness. As for differences in parenting practices, married parents are more confident in their children's abilities than divorced parents and are freer to let their child face an obstacle without help in contrast to divorced parents. Another important difference between them is the child's limited choice, where divorced parents do not interfere with the child's choices and attitudes, while married parents are more committed to their children being like them and sharing more similar opinions and attitudes with them.
odgojni postupci
rastavljeni roditelji
roditelji u bračnim zajednicama
Keywords (english)
parenting practices
divorced parents
parents in marriage
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:453595
Study programme Title: Pedagogy Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra pedagogije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra pedagogije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-10-03 12:32:34