Title Posttridentska oprema crkve sv. Frane u Šibeniku
Title (english) Post-Tridentine equipment of the St. Francis'church in Šibenik
Author Petra Bura Mancini
Mentor Ana Šitina Žepina (mentor)
Committee member Laris Borić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Mišković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Šitina Žepina (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of History of Art) Zadar
Defense date and country 2024-10-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History of Art History and Theory of the Fine Arts, Architecture, Urbanism and Visual Communications
Abstract U završnom radu se tematiziraju društveno-politički uvjeti koji su obilježili Šibenik kao grad i biskupiju tijekom 17. stoljeća, a uvjetovali su razvojne puteve opremanja sakralnog interijera crkve Svetog Frane u Šibeniku. U tom razdoblju su se vodili mletačko-turski ratovi i to je vrijeme prihvaćanja i provođenja odredbi Tridentskog koncila, s ciljem obnove liturgijske prakse i uređenja crkvenih interijera. Iz takvih je pobuda uslijedilo opremanje rečene crkve liturgijskom opremom u kojoj se zrcale i onodobne prilike društva i nova liturgijska praksa. Velikim brojem franjevačkih narudžbi od različitih majstora, interijer crkve sv. Frane je u 17. stoljeću osvanuo u novom baroknom ruhu. Za razliku od franjevaca, šibenski dominikanci su u manjoj mjeri sudjelovali u ulozi naručitelja o čemu svjedoče donacije plemićkih obitelji i drugih predstavnika društva u opremi njihove crkve i samostana. Prema tome, šibenska crkva sv. Frane je tijekom 17. stoljeća isključivo prožeta stilom kojeg su baštinili franjevci, odnosno stilskim izričajem radionica i majstorima kojima su bili naklonjeni. Opremanje interijera je trajalo kroz cijelo 17. i 18. stoljeće, a od opreme iz 17. stoljeća ističu se četiri drvena rezbarena pozlaćena oltara mletačke radionice Ridolfi koje su opremljene oltarnim palama mletačkog slikara Mattea Ponzonea te nešto mlađi rezbareni drveni strop ukrašen oslikom na kojem je radila također mletačka, radionica majstora Giambattiste Volpata. U ovom radu se analiziraju narudžbe i do danas sačuvana oprema interijera u kontekstu onodobne šibenske i dalmatinske likovne i kulturne scene. Uz to, oprema interijera se paralelno analizira u kontekstu drugih djela i ostvarenja majstora koji su ih izveli, a među kojima je najpoznatije ime Mattea Ponzonea čija ostvarenja u crkvi sv. Frane spadaju među kvalitetnija likovna ostvarenja u posttridentskom razdoblju.
Abstract (english) This paper seeks to present the socio-political conditions that characterized Šibenik as a city and diocese during the 17th century, which influenced the development of the sacred interior of the Church of St. Francis in Šibenik. During this period, the Venetian-Turkish wars were fought, and it was a time of accepting and implementing the decrees of the Council of Trent. The aim was to renew liturgical practices and organize church interiors. As a result, churches were equipped with liturgical furnishings that reflected both the state of society and the new liturgical practices. With a large number of Franciscan commissions from various masters, the interior of St. Francis church was furnished in a new Baroque style in the 17th century. Unlike the Franciscans, the Dominicans of Šibenik played a lesser role as patrons. This is as evidenced by donations from noble families and other members of society who contributed to the decoration of their churches and monasteries. Therefore, the Church of St. Francis in Šibenik was exclusively infused with the style inherited by the Franciscans during the 17th century, reflecting the artistic expression of the workshops and masters they favored. The furnishing of the interior lasted throughout the 17th and 18th centuries. Notably, there are four wooden carved gilded altars from the Venetian workshop of Ridolfi, adorned with altar paintings by the Venetian painter Matteo Ponzone. There is also a carved wooden ceiling decorated with panels created by the Venetian workshop of master Giambattista Volpato. This paper analyzes the commissions and the interior furnishings that have been preserved to this day in the context of the artistic and cultural scene of Šibenik and Dalmatia during that time. Additionally, the interior furnishings are analyzed in parallel with other works and achievements of the masters who created them. Among these, the most notable name is Matteo Ponzone, whose works in St. Francis Church are considered some of the highest-quality artistic achievements of the post-Tridentine period.
crkva sv. Frane u Šibeniku
Tridentski koncil
Matteo Ponzone
radionica Ridolfi
Keywords (english)
St. Francis Church in Šibenik
Council of Trent
Matteo Ponzone
Ridolfi workshop
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:008359
Study programme Title: History of Art Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea)povijesti umjetnosti (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea)povijesti umjetnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-10-14 15:35:28