Title Jugoslavenska kriza 1980-ih
Title (english) Yugoslav Crisis in the 1980s
Author Nina Štajerec
Mentor Zlatko Begonja (mentor)
Committee member Ante Bralić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Branko Kasalo (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zlatko Begonja (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of History) Zadar
Defense date and country 2024-06-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History
Abstract U diplomskom radu je na nepristran način prikazana sinteza događaja koji su tijekom 80-ih godina 20. stoljeća najavili krah Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije te prouzročili ratni sukob koji se u prvoj polovici 90-ih godina rasplamsao na teritoriju, tada već nekadašnje, jugoslavenske države. Nakon smrti Josipa Broza Tita na vidjelo su izašli društveni, ekonomski i gospodarski problemi koji su utjecali na pojavu prvih političkih nesuglasica. Memorandum SANU i jačanje popularnosti Slobodana Miloševića, potaknuli su otvoreno iskazivanje srpskih nacionalnih stavova te ponovno buđenje, nikad zaboravljenih već privremeno potisnutih, planova o uspostavi Velike Srbije. Jugoslavenska je kriza svoj vrhunac doživjela na 14. izvanrednom kongresu SKJ čiji su događaji utjecali na konačan raspad Saveza komunista Jugoslavije. Do ponovnog osnaženja i promicanja hrvatske nacionalne svijesti dolazi u prvoj polovici 1990.-e godine kada je održana kampanja za prve slobodne višestranačke izbore. Hrvati su u Franji Tuđmanu pronašli osobu koja će ih voditi na putu do samostalnosti, a Srbi su, nasuprot tome, u liku Slobodana Miloševića prepoznali „zaštitnika Srba“ i osobu koja je jamčila njihovu opstojnost i blagostanje na teritoriju čitave Jugoslavije. Uslijedili su brojni regionalni nemiri koji su naznačili uvod u krvave ratne sukobe koji će kulminirati tijekom 90- ih godina. Ovakav rasplet događaja još je jednom dokazao krhkost i neprovedivost ideje o zajedničkom i skladnom suživotu svih južnih Slavena. Problemi potaknuti nacionalnim, jezičnim, religijskim i gospodarskim razlozima, uzrokovani prvenstveno povijesnim okolnostima, odredili su razinu opsjene u pogledu ostvarenja i održanja zajedničke države.
Abstract (english) The aim of this paper is to present, in an unbiased way, a synthesis of events that foresaw the collapse of Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia during the ‘80s of the past century. It also deals with the causes of war conflicts that spread over the territory of then present (first half of the ‘90s) Yugoslavian state. After the death of Josip Broz Tito, social, business and economy problems became evident, all causing the first political disagreements to appear. Memorandum SANU and Slobodan Milošević’s rise in popularity prompted public expression of Serbian national stances, as well as the rebirth of long lost, but never forgotten, plans on the establishment of the Great Serbia. Yugoslavian crisis had reached its peak at an extraordinary 14th Congress whose events effected the final collapse of Union of Communists of Yugoslavia. Re-empowerment and promotion of Croatian national consciousness did not happen until the campaign of the first half of the 1990s, when the first free multi-party elections were held. In Franjo Tuđman, Croats found a person who would lead them to independence, while the Serbs, on the other hand, saw Slobodan Milošević as their protector and the one who could guarantee their perseverance and well-being. The following years were marked by numerous regional rebellions which were an introduction to bloody war conflicts that culminated during the ‘90s. Denouement of these events proved once more how fragile and inviolable the idea of common and harmonious lives of all Southern Slavs was. Problems raised by national, linguistic, religious and economic reasons, caused primarily by historic circumstances, defined the scope of illusion in terms of creating and maintaining the common state.
Slobodan Milošević
Franjo Tuđman
Memorandum SANU
14. kongres SKJ
Keywords (english)
Slobodan Milošević
Franjo Tuđman
Memorandum SANU
14th Congress of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:135263
Study programme Title: History; specializations in: History - Teacher's Education (double major) Course: History - Teacher's Education (double major) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra edukacije povijesti (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra edukacije povijesti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-11-15 10:02:05