Title Razlike u stavovima odgojitelja i roditelja o primjeni kineziološke rizične igre u predškolskoj dobi
Title (english) Differences in the Attitudes of Educators and Parents on the Implementation of Kinesiology-Based Risky Play Preschool Age
Author Matea Blažević
Mentor Jelena Alić (mentor)
Committee member Violeta Valjan Vukić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Gordana Ivković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Alić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education) (Division of Elementary School Teacher Education) Zadar
Defense date and country 2024-10-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology Kinesiological Education
Abstract Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi razlike u stavovima odgojitelja i roditelja o primjeni rizične igre. Bitno nam je uvidjeti koliko su sudionici upućeni u pojam rizične igre s obzirom da je slabo zastupljena na našim područjima. Rizična igra je često prisutna u istraživanjima i radovima skandinavskih stručnjaka gdje možemo pronaći dosta primjera pozitivnog utjecaja takve igre na djecu. Dobrobiti ovakve igre su mnogobrojne ali prvenstveno je to pozitivan utjecaj na samostalnost, procjene rizika, emocionalni, socijalni i tjelesni razvoj djeteta. Uz rizičnu igru vežu se i negativne posljedice kao što su ozlijede. Važna je uloga roditelja i odgojitelja u ovom procesu te njihovi stavovi o samoj igri. Od iznimne je važnosti stvoriti koliko je moguće sigurne uvjete kako bi se ozlijede događale u minimalnoj mjeri. Pozitivni stavovi odgojitelja i roditelja pridonijet će sve većoj primjeni rizičnih igra u svakodnevnom radu s djecom. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 60 ispitanika, od kojih je 31 roditelj i 29 odgojitelja. Obuhvaćena su ruralna i urbana područja uglavnom na području Grada Zagreba, Zadarske županije te Splitsko-dalmatinske županije. Za prikupljanje podataka korišten je anketni upitnik s 24 pitanja, koji je ispitao stupanj slaganja s navedenim tvrdnjama putem Likertove skale od 5 stupnjeva. Obrada podataka uključivala je izračun osnovnih deskriptivnih parametara za sve varijable, odvojeno za subuzorke roditelja i odgojitelja. Razlike u stavovima i mišljenjima između odgojitelja i roditelja, kao i između ispitanika sa urbanog i ruralnog područja, testirana su MannWhitney U testom. Podaci su analizirani u programu Statistika for Windows 13. Rezultati ankete pokazuju da postoji određena razlika kod pojedinih tvrdnji u stavovima odgojitelja i roditelja no u većini se slažu te se očituje pozitivan stav prema rizičnoj igri. Kod ispitanika s urbanog i ruralnog područja nema značajne razlike u stavovima.
Abstract (english) This research aims to determine the differences in the attitudes of preschool educators and parents regarding the application of risky play. We need to see how familiar the participants are with the concept of risky play, given that it is poorly represented in kindergartens in our area. Risky play is often present in the research and works of Scandinavian experts, where we can find many examples of the positive impact this type of play has on children. The benefits of this kind of game are numerous, with the most prevalent being, a positive impact on independence, risk assessment, emotional, social, and physical development of the child. Risky play is associated with negative consequences such as injuries. The role of parents and educators in this process and their views on the game itself are important. It is crucial to create conditions that are as safe as possible so that the chance of injuries occurring is minimal. The positive attitude of educators and parents will contribute to the increasing use of risky games in everyday work with children. The study included 60 participants, consisting of 31 parents and 29 educators. The sample covered rural and urban areas, primarily within the City of Zagreb, Zadar County, and SplitDalmatia County. Data were collected using a survey questionnaire with 24 questions, measuring the participants' level of agreement with statements on a 5-point Likert scale. Data processing involved calculating basic descriptive parameters for all variables, separately for the sub-samples of parents and educators. Differences in attitudes and opinions between educators and parents, as well as between respondents from urban and rural areas, were tested using the Mann-Whitney U test. The data were analysed using Statistic for Windows 13. The survey results indicate the there is some difference in attitudes between educators and parents on certain questions; however, they generally agree and show a positive attitude toward risky play. There is no significant difference in attitudes between respondents from urban and rural areas.
rizična igra
djetetov razvoj
Keywords (english)
risky play
child's development
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:688731
Study programme Title: Primary education Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-11-28 09:45:00